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Woman attacked over parking space
A 30-year-old Milwaukee woman was arrested for disorderly conduct after allegedly attacking another woman over a parking space Sunday at Target.

The woman allegedly choked the victim and pulled her hair after the victim pulled into a parking space about to be claimed by the woman's husband.

According to police:

The victim said she was driving in the parking lot aisles at the store, 3900 N. 124th St., at around 2 p.m. March 4 searching for a space to park. She spotted an open space and parked her vehicle.

But a woman and her husband were apparently planning to pull into the same spot and had just backed up in order to make the turn into the same space.

After the victim pulled into the space, the Milwaukee woman got out of her car and approached the victim.

She walked up to the victim's vehicle and started yelling at her, using profanities and calling her stupid. The victim suggested to the woman that her husband should have put his blinker on so she would have known he was waiting for that spot.

The woman started wagging her finger at the victim through the open window and eventually grabbed her around the neck, choked her and pulled her hair.

According to the victim, the attack lasted for about one minute.

The woman then got back into the car with her husband and they drove to another parking space and entered the store. The victim found a security guard and asked that police be called.

Two witnesses corroborated the victim's story though the woman and her husband both claimed there was only finger wagging and never any physical contact.

After being informed that there were witnesses, the officer wrote in his report that the woman immediately changed her demeanor, demanded to see a videotape of the incident and photos of the woman's injuries and said, "I'm black. I know what this is about."

The victim was white. The two witnesses to the incident were both black.

The woman was issued a municipal citation for disorderly conduct with a court date of April 4. She was released at the police department on $200 bail.