I'm sure someone will give BB a shot as HC (if he chooses to keep coaching), but I'd be leery of doing so. For one thing, his record without Brady has been iffy (as others have shown) and for another, the culture he installs is not for everyone. I think he'd want a big piece of the personnel decisions also, and that would be problematic. Personally, if I were an owner I'd go for a someone on the upswing like Ben Johnson (the DET OC). If BB wanted to just be a DC I'd be falling over myself to hire him - dude is a sharp defensive mind - but that's it.

This is just my opinion, but I don't think defensive-oriented coaches are good HC's in general. I think you do better with an Offensive guru type or a Special Teams coach. ST coaches have to be quick thinkers, good teachers, and able to communicate with everyone on the team. Offensive gurus bring in a system and usually have some innovation. Defense is pretty hit-and-miss and subject to luck, frankly, and unless you get lucky with a genius young OC you're basically the Bears.