The media royally screwed up once again. By showing his pictures, his writings and his videos, they gave him everything he wanted. Way to make him be the spotlight. Why not show us the lives of the 32 people he murdered? Why not focus on what was taken from us? Instead the media gives this guy validation for what he did.

Awhile back, professional sports stopped televising the idiots who run onto the field. Why? So they wouldn't get the attention.

It's one thing to have experts disseminate the information and then give us their take on the guy. It's entirely another to listen to any unqualified talking head speak as if they are an expert while they show this shit. We may want to know everything but this wasn't the way to do it. We won't hear about the victims until their funerals, if even then.

What's more important? Knowing the people he murdered or the obvious that the guy was a nutball?