Which would you prefer?

It's become increasingly annoying to hear everyone say that the team isn't doing enough to support Favre in his last bid to win a championship. Since when does a team have to appease their Hall-of-Fame QB on the decline?Blasphemy maybe, but this team, regardless of FA/draft signings, is a few years away from competing for a title. Why make move that have a deletrious effect on the future when winning now really isn't an option.

Management has been hogtied by Favre for the past several years, awaiting his announcement of retirement or not. What if he stays another year? A first-round pick on Rodgers would have been wasted.

That said, I don't blame them at all for not loading up on overpriced FA talent just to give it one last run with Favre. Two Pro-Bowl FA signings wouldn't make this a 11-5 team I don't think.

It's proven that great teams are built through the draft and avoiding the hype in signings free agents (i.e. Patriots).

One can only hope that this team is building for a run two years down the road that will last three seasons... with another QB at the helm.