
Girl Seriously Injured in Swimming Pool Mishap as Drain Pump Sucks Out Her Intestines

MINNEAPOLIS — A six-year-old girl has been hospitalized after a horrifying accident at a swimming pool, when she sat on an open drain and a powerful suction pump tore out part of her intestinal tract. A surgeon told the family Wednesday that part of her intestines had been lost.

Abigail Taylor was severely injured Tuesday when she sat over an open drain hole in a wading pool at the Minneapolis Golf Club, according to a posting by her family on the Caring Bridge Web site.

The posting, which has since been taken down, said it is a "medical miracle" that Taylor is still alive.

Taylor is listed in serious condition at Children's Hospital in Minneapolis. Bob Bennett, an attorney representing the family, told the St. Paul Pioneer Press she was conscious and able to speak late Tuesday but that she faces a series of surgeries with uncertain results.

Bennett alleged that the swimming pool's drain hole was improperly uncovered. An official at the golf club expressed sympathy for the family and said he didn't think anything was wrong with the pool, but referred questions to the club's attorney, who declined to comment.