Craig has long been outed by gay advocacy groups.

Look, cruising bathrooms has long been modus operandi for a certain segment of the gay population. Remember, George Michael was busted in a public park bathroom. Anonymous sex is a long tradition in the gay community.

"Tapping of the foot is pretty standard for men who cruise in toilets," said Keith Griffith, owner of, a Web site on which visitors post locations popular with men looking for anonymous sex.

"They will usually go to the stall at the far end of the strip of toilets. They will see each other and usually decide to go someplace else. The vast majority have no interest in being seen. They may be meeting in public locations, but they will be as discreet as possible," Griffith said.

Tyrone wishes that heteros would jump on that train. Ladies, i feel confident the men are onboard with this. What is stopping you?