What are your top five favorite books? The ones you never lend out, will read over and over again, rave about to friends and relatives ad nauseum, etc.

These are the books you want to have if your trapped on a deserted island (though not if you're airplane crashlands on a deserted island, because then you'll have Evangeline Lilly and the Others to distract you from reading). Alternately, these are the books you want with you when you have a 15 hour layover in a really bad airport (personally, I hate Atanta's, but that's just me).

I'll start with my top 5:

A Catskill Eagle by Robert B. Parker
The Killer Angels Michael Shaara
The Stand Stephen King
The Deus Machine Pierre Ouellette
The Lord of the Rings J.R.R. Tolkien (okay, cheated a little there)

I welcome your input, comments, suggestions, etc.