I had some nasty knee pain this week, so sought medical relief in the form of the Vicodin tablets left-over from my neighbor's root canal.

I would say Vicodin is modestly effective at killing pain, particularly if it is a dull ache rather than a sharp pain. But now onto the recreational opportunities.

On a couple occasions, I exceeded the "1 pill every 6 hours" recomendation, went with "2 pills per Monday Night football game" and on another night, "2 pills every Letterman rerun." Definitely took all the pain away, made me drowsy. But my brain was a bit scrambled, couldn't focus on music, for instance. A little hallucinogenic. I was sweating a bit. Just OK.

Many years ago, I had percocet for post surgery pain. Oh my God! That stuff was amazing. I have to imagine good heroin is something like this. No pain, warm feeling of well being. Then a good sleep.
I can see how people would get addicted to that stuff.

Anybody tried oxycontin?