Quote Originally Posted by MJZiggy
I don't know. Clinton decided to reinvent government and though asking agencies to reinvent themselves to be more efficient might not have been the best strategy if you wanna trim off excess employees, but somehow he seemed to get a lot done.
I don't think that was Clinton MJ.

Remember a guy called Newt Gingrich and the Contract with America? Two years into Clinton's presidency, the American people had enough of Hillary trying to stuff a socialist health care system down their throats and handed Congress over to the GOP for the first time in some 50 years.

A large reason for the success of America under Clinton was due to the leadership of that Republican Congress. It is to Clinton's credit that he worked with that Congress and got some great things accomplished, but you are short sighted if you think Bill Clinton was the primary force behind the balanced budgets and fiscal responsibility in the mid to late 90s. The American people spoke and Washington got something done.

I'm a strong supporter of strict term limits in Congress...precisely because of how well the country does whenever we clean house in Washington and get some new blood in there, regardless of party. People sitting in Washington for 15+ years lose touch with the people who first put them into office.

Washington should be there to serve us...not the other way around.