Quote Originally Posted by CyclonePackFan
However, I don't consider it a big deal until they win (as you said in the first sentence). There's an assumption in here that I'm not willing to make yet, that we as a country have come far enough that it really doesn't matter anymore. Just because these two are leading the primaries in the Democratic Party (which has a strong base in both women and African-Americans) doesn't mean it applies to the rest of the country. Have we come a long way since the sixties? Yes. Are we there yet? We'll find out.
I disagree with this. If I felt either candidate was really strong, and they lost, then it would prove something. Hilary is the great polarizer. Whether she wins or losses has little to do with her gender, IMHO. Obama has a 1/2 stint as a Senator and no other experience on a national level. He's a much better candidate than Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, but I could see him losing a fair fight on his credentials alone. To me, Obama is like Colin Powell and Condi Rice in that they are impressive people who people want to do well--that aren't out to divide the country on racial lines (like Jackson and Sharpton have done). That's a step in the right direction. If Obama loses, it won't signal an end to his presidential aspirations. In fact, getting some experience on the Cabinet or something like that might bode well for his future prospects. I know Harlan is big on the Hilary bandwagon, but I believe there have been better female presidential candidates that have come along.