I went to the OTA today and will probably go again tomorrow. Here are my STUDS and DUDS from OTA #1.


Jon Ryan - Booming kicks! Kicked into the wind and was impressive in doing so. What a great find. Say good bye Sanders!

Marc Boerigter - Made some VERY nice catches in traffic. Bigger and faster then I thought he would be.

Tra Boger - The undrafted rook. looked better then any other secondary player on the field. Made a real nice pick and had a blanket coverage on another play.


BJ Sanders - Shank city! Wow, he was really horrible. I saw the players cringe on a couple of his punts! HE WAS THAT BAD.

Aaron Rodgers - King of the check down again today. Over threw a couple guys and failed to make reads on some other plays. However, his arm looks MUCH stronger then last year and his first practice always seems to be rough. Hopefully he will clean it up tomorrow.

Cory Rodgers - Looked very mechanical fielding punts and dropped at least two. Jennings and Ferguson looked more fluid and comportable back there. He was just OKAY running routes but did make one very nice catch along the sideline.


Manning looked bigger and faster.

Jennings made one very nice catch in traffic, stealing the ball away from the CB.

Hawkins got beat bad twice and almost went in my DUDS section.

Ferguson will be on this team. He looks pretty good actually.

Gado looks a little chubby.

Green will be back!

David Martin was just so-so.

Whitticker was starting at LT again.

Favre looked great.


This is a great story. Right as the team got into their stretching formation I noticed that Brett was standing next to Ted Thompson. Before running to his place, Brett reached out and took something from TT. Brett then inserted a "dip" into his mouth and gave the tobacco tin back to TT! Brett took another pinch from TT later on. It was so funny.

Ted Thomspon, General Manager and Brett's CHAW BEE-ATCH!