Quote Originally Posted by Harlan Huckleby
One could also takes quotes from the bible, and juxtapose christians intimidating people at abortion clinics, or bombing federal buildings in Oklahoma.
HH, go ahead and make the movie. Sounds like you're off to a good start.

Which sayings by Jesus are you going to use? Now don't let the fact that Jesus never picked up a sword or advocated violence like Muhammad did stop you. Jesus never actually killed people (He kept them from being killed and raised the dead), but maybe you could say that He metaphorically killed them (you know, death to self and being spiritually born again).

Okay, you've got two images so far - people publicly demonstrating to stop the death of children and a domestic terrorist act by a white supremacist as a protest against the government.

Hmmmm.....it's a little murky here, these images just don't have the same power as kidnapping and beheading people (the beheading part is done in the abortion clinic) and people choosing to jump from a 100-story building to avoid burning to death.

I don't mean to criticize but you've got to use better examples if you want your moral equivilance argument to succeed. It doesn't have to be perfect, I mean, liberals or "progressives" don't care that much about facts, but, you know, the average person has some common sense. He's not as easily swayed by specious analogies that feed one's biases.

But, whatever you do, don't stop. Just keep thinking out loud. You'll come up with those examples that prove your premise. I know it’s not easy. The facts just aren't there, but keep at it.