Is it only 40 virgins? I thought 72. Maybe the Islamic world is running out.

Yeah, I've heard those comebacks from moral equivalence types too--the Spanish Inquisition, the era after the Protestant Reformation, etc., but that's a pretty lame response in the here and now.

The whole world has progressed a lot in the realm of compassion and civilization since then--the whole world, that is, except for Islam. I would like to say "radical Islam" or 'Islamic fundamentalists" or something to marginalize the bad guys, but the fact is, a pretty huge majority of Muslims support those pushing barbarism and genocide. And that is something that is fairly difficult for apologists of Muslims to justify or run and hide from.

Good points about early power struggles in Christian nations as well as the Japs in WWII, Harlan. And you are right about 75% in your last paragraph too. We aren't trying to convert them (perhaps we should be). And yes, the most virulent Muslims ARE trying to consolidate power and keep forces of modernity and civilization out of Muslim countries. However, they clearly also are trying to spread the horrors of Sharia Law to a lot of non-Muslim areas too--with an ultimate goal of an Islamic world.