Quote Originally Posted by Tarlam!
Quote Originally Posted by hoosier
I still don't see why there can't be a written explanation of what will get someone banned, something that is visible to everyone and applicable equally to all. Otherwise you risk having rules applied arbitrarily and unequally.
How about we write in the rules "you will receive an automatic ban if you are Tank"?

Look, Hoosier. If it were any other poster, bar maybe one other, I would be standing with ya, shoulder to shoulder in your trench. But this guy has been warned so often by mods, reasoned with so often by other posters. I think in this case it's not wrong to ask what the greater group wants. Frankly, if I ran the place he'd have been gone without even mentioning it.

To be honest, when I saw this poll I expected more concerns like yours to be voiced.
I guess Harlan's taking the day off.