Quote Originally Posted by Harlan Huckleby
I know you are being cynical, but there is nothing wrong with forming an alliance of Democratic countries for taking collective action. Makes good sense to me, NATO is increasingly obsolete. Not sure if they will be a security organization, at least inititally.

I don't know if it will be pulled off, but don't see why you sneer at idea. Do you have a specific objection?
Umm....we tried to build a coalition amongst the EU and rest of the world to go into Iraq because we thought they had become too friendly with Iran and the result would be a nuclear armed Iran allied with Iraq.

I agree there is nothing wrong with forming an alliance, but the rest of the world to date has been content to let us spend our resources to stabilize the middle east all the while criticizing the imperical USA. Its sort of like that older brother you hate so much for teasing you, but you liked it when he beat up the bully who stole your lunch money.