Quote Originally Posted by Tarlam!
Idle, interesting thoughts and it is why it was on the list. I, howver, feel, that a child has nowhere to turn, yet a spouse has had education and can indeed find support.

Still, it is a fine line. Thanks for your contribution!
I voted for child molestation. Idle threat does bring up some good points concerning spouse abuse. I just wanted to respond to Tarlam's post by saying generally speaking education goes out the window in cases of spousal abuse. For any of us that have never experience spouse abuse the answers seem very clear cut on what the victim should do. It's far from clear cut for the person experiencing the cycle of violence. They may know where to go to find support but often times the fear is so great they won't ask for help, not to mention most have very little confidence and their self esteem has been shredded. I've worked with victims of domestic violence and it's very difficult to understand their thought process.

I do agree though that when an adult is the victim they generally know where to turn and that there is help available...... a child may not even be aware of that.