The guy is TRYING to sound centrist, and you just know the God damned left-saturated mainstream media will make every effort to allow him to carry out that deception.

On some levels, Obama is every bit as slick a politician as Bill Clinton. That is part of what makes him more dangerous than Algore and Kerry. The other thing that makes Obama even more dangerous is the fact that as extreme as the positions taken by Gore and Kerry were/are, Obama is infinitely MORE extreme. That last fact, however, I predict, will be his undoing. When it comes right down to the choice of his sick anti-American socialist ideology and being a Clinton-esque liar and distorter of his positions, I think Obama will have a hard time matching Clinton in disingenuousness.

The other key is the American people. They/we saw through the media blitz of support for Gore and Kerry and realized how extremely harmful to the country their policies would have been. Hopefully, as we get closer to the election and more and more of the unfiltered words of the candidates come through with ads, debates, etc., THE PEOPLE will come through again and save the country from the horrors and possibly destruction that an Obama Administration would bring.