I could write a 500 page novel but no one would read it. Hollywood couldn't make this up!

Here's the story:

A man, I'll call him Greg, worked 80+ hrs/week for 30+ years as a welder in a tool and die shop in New Berlin, WI. He put his 4 children through parochial school and managed to buy a little home and fixed up old beater cars so they could drive.

In the summer of '98 Greg developed a long-lasting cough - he went to a dozen doctors and kept getting prescribed drugs for a whooping cough. After 2 months, dejected and tired, Greg went to the Mayo Clinic and found out he had cancer of the larynx.

Being a welder surrounded by dangerous fumes, his employer of 30 years fired him on a Friday afternoon with no warning - facing radiation without insurance his wife took a second job as a waitress and his kids paid their own way for everything. 6 years later he's completely fine except his voice is a bit scruffy - good thing for an Italian with a short fuse and a loud voice.

Pretty dejected by society and 'the man', Greg became recluse and lived off his savings. About 2 years ago, he made a decision to buy some land on Bear Lake, WI and build his retirement cottage. He helped neighbors build driveways and dug/poured the basement. Here's where the story gets ill....

Greg found a modular home company who would assemble and deliver a nice, little place on the land. Greg took his life savings and paid 100% cash for this home and mortgaged the rest of the land. He did his due diligence and check BBB and all seemed clear. Waiting for a plumbing contractor to file some paperwork, he finally had approval to have his home delivered.

Then, in Sept '05, Hurricane Katrina devastated the South. Having been a few weeks past delivery, Greg called the modular home company and the guy said that due to Katrina there were no trucks coming up to Northern WI. Being a somewhat gullible man, he bought it. About a month later, Greg called the man's business partner and she said it sounded fishy. Greg called the manufacturer and found out the man had sold his home to someone else. Immediately, Greg realized he had been had.

Looking to his nephew, a contract lawyer in GB, Greg realized he had to hire professional lawyers and file suit. Greg's lawyers found out the shifty character was 'borrowing from Peter to pay Paul' and had ripped off 3 other people for a total of $250,000. This asshole was arrested and is awaiting trial for multiple felonies - unfortunately this guy has $0 to his name and his business partner wasn't a legal partner.

Greg is now facing having to A) sell the land and eat the $50,000 home or B) continue to pay $650/mo in mortgage and fight a guy who has nothing to take. Even if this guy had any money, the lawyers would take about half of any recovered funds and still charge about another $10K in fees.

Greg is my Dad.

I'm reaching out to the Internet for any help - any at all. I'm a firm believer in the hearts of good people and know that karma goes around. I've thought of asking for pro bono work from lawyer friends or Contact 6 or something.

How can I help my Dad?