Quote Originally Posted by cpk1994
Quote Originally Posted by packerbacker1234
Gotta say: I liked what a radio guy said yesterday, and this is not intended as a shot at AR.

"I don't care what anyone says, the packers kicked Favre to curb. Not only can you just not to that to a legend to begin with, you definitely can't do that to a legend that was, and is, playing some pretty good football. Rodgers looks like a good QB, but you can't tell me overall the team doesn't play better with #4 at the helm this season. It's not like Rodgers can be back next year, and you would of been a sure fire Super Bowl contendor this season, instead of a possible .500 team. Say what you want, but 13-3 wont be happening, and while it's unfair to blame Rodgers for anything, as he has had no say and really just put on the spot, Favre should of been the starter this season in GB, and I doubt he would of had better numebrs then rodgers, but possible more wins at this point. I know it's hindsight, but the packers were wrong, and everyone is starting to realize it. Kicking aside a guy who just turned 39 who has been the face of the franchise, showed up every week to work, never missing a day in 16 years and is still a top performer at what he does? Explain to me what buisness looks good doing that."
Then show me a business that gives somebody their job back after retiring, saying he wants to comeback, changes his mind and says he's still retired, then demands his job back again. MY guess is if you tried to pull that with your boss, you still be unemployed.

you think a CEO of a business wouldnt let a 16 year vet who never misses a day of work and is the best at what he does come back to his job that he did better than anyone else over the time period that he held the job and is coming off one of his best years?.... ur fuckin crazy man