First, I can'tbelieve someone dragged this out a month after the fact.

Second, "How big an asshole Brit Hume is and how shameless, how fucking shameless these people are! These people are so fucking shameless! They are shameless!! And I don’t just say this because the Fox people sued me!" Is a direct quote from A.F. himself.

Third, the last bit was an attempt to demonstrate that Tank does not, in fact, attempt to have serious discussions abuot this, or any other, issues. Tank takes an extreme view, splashes a few quotes from unreliable, biased sources on the screen, then ignores what anyone brings to the table to discredit his "opinion." While doing so, and this is what I was really trying to point out, (and maybe I'm just too dumb and it didn't come across right) is that Tank, and several people that I've known personally, will often demand an end to hate and intolerance by using hateful and intolerant speech, demand dignity for everyone by demeaning someone else, and stereotype and belittle whole groups of people in their attempts to show how open-minded and generously loving they are.

Maybe it didn't come across that way. Sarcasm and irony hardly ever work on the interweb. I would apologize if I was sorry for anything, but I'm not, so I won't.