Quote Originally Posted by mraynrand
Quote Originally Posted by hoosier
Quote Originally Posted by mraynrand
Quote Originally Posted by hoosier
Quote Originally Posted by SkinBasket
Quote Originally Posted by hoosier
I'm trying to understand the right-wing outrage. Why is this guy's death a sign of the "new administration" and not just a result of a local power company's blunder?
I'm still trying to figure out the left-wing outrage over the old administration's perceived responsibility for Katrina instead of the result of state and local blunders.

Oabama obviously hated this guy and wanted him dead. So he used the power company to do it. Horrible.
I see. You still can't see how the Bush Adminstration's incompetence affected people's lives after Katrina, and so you're making a ridiculous analogy to drive home your inability to grasp that point. Thanks for clarifying.
I guess he didn't get that 170 billion to 'em fast enough. Get some treatment for your BDS.
I guess it never really dawned on me until just now how stuck in the past the right is. I mean, the right is always stuck in the past, but in the US today the neoconservative discourse is totally consumed by perceived slights suffered three years ago by an incompetent president. If this isn't evidence of a political ideology in decline, I don't know what is.
Are you really this much of a moron? You brought the whole thing up. get over it. The guy you voted for is porking you into 1937.
Really? that would make bush hoover. Congrats!!