Quote Originally Posted by HarveyWallbangers
Quote Originally Posted by MJZiggy
Big"ot\, n. [F. bigot a bigot or hypocrite, a name once given to the Normans in France. Of unknown origin; possibly akin to Sp. bigote a whisker; hombre de bigote a man of spirit and vigor; cf. It. s-bigottire to terrify, to appall. Wedgwood and others maintain that bigot is from the same source as Beguine, Beghard.]

1. A hypocrite; esp., a superstitious hypocrite. [Obs.]

2. A person who regards his own faith and views in matters of religion as unquestionably right, and any belief or opinion opposed to or differing from them as unreasonable or wicked. In an extended sense, a person who is intolerant of opinions which conflict with his own, as in politics or morals; one obstinately and blindly devoted to his own church, party, belief, or opinion.

To doubt, where bigots had been content to wonder and believe. --Macaulay.
I love how this definition explicitly states "in matters of religion." They could have left that out and just said somebody who believes their own belief or opinion as unquestionably right. Maybe they should add anybody who judges a religious person as a bigot based on their own belief or opinion. Nah, they wouldn't do that. I'm actually surprised they didn't just say a Christian--because it has become en vogue to say things like this about Christians, but not other faiths.
Whaddaya want? Three different dictionary entries on dictionary.com specifically stated religion. At least all of them didn't include hypocrisy...