There is about a 5 foot wide area all along the length of my driveway that is really a mess! This is the area that all the snow from the driveway ends up and it's the last snow in the yard to melt. So this past week that snow pile is finally gone and omg.....what a mess! There are all these crazy looking track marks ....some of them about 2 inches wide where the grass/soil is gone. It's a lot different then the damage a mole does. Someone at work told me it could be from a Shrew but when I looked on the net for shrew damage, it doesn't look the same. Closest I found was the damage a Vole (field mouse) does.

Anyone ever deal with something like this in their yard??? I really haven't found much info yet on how to get rid of it (or them). This is kinda what that part of my yard looks like...