I am pretty sure it was Holmgren who grabbed Schroeder's face mask.

Favre had tremendous, tremendous talent. I don't think anyone questions that. And under Holmgren, that talent was (mostly) harnessed. He was a wonderful QB to have in those years. But I do think that mythologizing kinda took over - John Madden did as much as anybody to help that along. He always, always said that "If you've got Brett Favre you've got a chance." This implied that no matter how sucky the team was or how far behind, Favre could pull it out.

But this spoke more to Favre's derring-do than his actual ability to consistently make good decisions. It's a romantic notion - we're never out of it cuz we got Favre! - but the greatest QB's in NFL history (Montana, Starr, Unitas) have more often been thought of as QB machines rather than dramatic action figures.