Quote Originally Posted by MadtownPacker View Post
How about you get a feeling to go fuck yourself? I said if I went by what I want I would let him back. Why should you question that?
Good grief...Tank as Tank and Anti-Polor-Bear. How much damage did he really do? I never saw it but maybe 'of a sort of certain anti TT posters back then'. I agreed, to a certain degree, with his hard stances against Ted Thompson's ways. Are we all supposed to be converted at the same time? What a place this would be if we ALL ...ALWAYS agreed with ALL things.

I liked Tank. So if that places a target on my Packerrat back so be it. I'll deal with it as I always have. People grow as they age. People need to be given opportunities to express themselves, and going against the status quo isn't a criteria for expulsion.

I do disagree with any poster attacking or mocking another as a form of bullying; and in that case a war can ensue. That battle reflects poorly on the Forum as a whole and that sucks.

If a poster attacks another it's easy. i.e. Poster number ONE attacks Poster Number TWO.

Best Response: Number Two has a simple choice. Ignore Number One. That's the 'only' unselfish action required for the general health of the society in general here.

I'm still looking for a Tank post. I want to say 'Hello' !!