Now Snake knows a bunch of ya are old cronies...yet Snake has a pretty nice setup and is a techie guru to say the least with 6 HDTV's in his house. I own EVERYTHING tech orientated and own EVERY videogame system to date.

Xbox 360: Probably got 200 plus disc-owned almost 200 arcade downloadables...I have no room left on my 250gb HDD.

PS3: I usually just go exclusive as I have about 80 disc games and over 110 downloadable arcade titles..mainly cuz Playstation Plus is so awesome and gives you a new one weekly either via PS3 or the Vita.

Wii: I hate it..just for my g-friends kid lately but probably 50 games and 10 downloaded.

Wii U: 10 games..6 downloaded.

I laugh my ass off at the specs and all these teens talking shit cuz PS4 is supposedly more powerful than the new Xbox One...who cares? I'm preordering both with and getting 5% back with my Freedom Chase CC with no tax or shipping $850 for both.

Snake doesn't post as much on here or play vids hardly EVER anymore cuz I'm at my girl's house the last 3 years often..who wants kids, my house, family, little time to play if at all. I make time for new Call of Duty's and shooters like Battlefield 4.

Snake is a collector and gets much flak from my girl cuz of my cash I put to vids..yet I can sell all that shit back cuz I mostly buy off of cuz they sell new games cheap at 9.99 after only 3 months.

I'm only seeing if anyone has any interest in the new systems or if anyone games. Snake is good at all games..and EVERYTHING in BS..but rarely can play much the past few years.

I know most think the PS4 is gonna be soooo much better, but honestly, it looks like Battlefield 4 looks better on Xbox One than one PS4 even though virgin fanboy's say it has 900p resolution vs 720p on Xbox One which is still looks better on Xbox One somehow and I love the Xbox controller vs. the shitty PS3 controller.

Who cares? I got both preordered on Playstation controller sux..and the LIVE servers with the cloud on Xbox are so much better. It will be like the current gen where PS3 had a bit of power on 360 but the games looked better on Xbox and played better. I'll get exclusives on PS4 like Killzone.

I rarely play...I get a batch of games every week in the for 10 min..never touch them again...but I'm an Xbox guy cuz of the controller and LIVE.

Hey I'll get both. So if anyone on here games..hit me up and I'll send my gamertags and maybe we can play as I prefer shooters. COD Ghosts, Battlefield 4 on Xbox One...and Killzone on PS4.