We are getting close to that point of the season when less significant injuries will get a player placed on IR. For the Packers, it might be pushed up a bit because injuries to players that will be coming back have reduced the roster depth.

Assuming that both EDS and Barclay will miss some time, even if their injuries are not year ending, at least one roster spot will have to be cleared for another O-lineman, and maybe two, because they will need to have a center.

I wonder if they really think Sherrod is ready to play or not? If he is, they at least need a G/C type player. A Jason Spitz type of player.

If Wallace will be out even a short time, his season is probably done. GB will need a backup for Tolzien, and their isn't much reason to keep Wallace on the roster.

If Hayward aggravated the same hamstring that kept him out longer than expected the first time, they might as well shut him down for the year.

Perry? Who knows?