Quote Originally Posted by SkinBasket View Post
I never said I hate the site. Or that others are better, although at this point, that bar isn't very high. If you don't think the site is "dead," compared to having somewhere around 100 (real) people logged in and contributing at a time for things like the draft, or 4 or 5 or a dozen people logged into a thread at a time on a weekday evening having a conversation about teen pregnancy, or a drunken divorce, or weightlifting routines, then you're dumber than I think you are, which is a pretty high bar to clear.

We've been fed bullshit about why this person left, or that person, usually to justify moronic decisions about what wasn't allowed on the site anymore. But there's only one reason people in general stop visiting a website - it doesn't interest them anymore. And this place has turned that into a science. In an effort to keep a few, it drove away the many. Then dropped off the internet for over a year. Then returned more boring than ever.

I'm mostly still here because I don't like saying, "I told you so." I'm content with just watching. I guess that's what makes me different than the dozens of others who put embarrassingly large amounts of time, effort, and thought into this place over the years only to have it spoiled by one person's mental instability, which was fed by people like you making demands out of people like me to act a certain way. Well, you got your way (although you still whine about sections of the website you don't even have to visit, much less read). Behold, your Nirvana! A starkly ununique place where a dozen people exchange ideas occasionally, solely about football, and one guy posts dozens of tangential links! Where else in this whole wide world could you find such extravagance?!
Well you always say this shit so let's make it true. Banned! Cya skin!