Quote Originally Posted by 3irty1 View Post
A lot of people agree with you about how self-righteousness is the worst but few have the stones to express it in a self-righteous rant. You sir are an artist.
I'm "self-righteous"?? That's rich... I'm saying leave these people alone, and let them work their problems out on their own. Predictably, you have it exactly 180 degrees backward - it is you, and all the other politically correct nazis that are self-righteous.

I'm saying have perspective, respect their privacy, stop piling on, get the plank out of your own eye!! You're the ones judging them - not just him, but her as well as the future of their family - that's just sick.

You ever done something you felt shame and regret about - but only you and another person, or couple of other people know about?? Let's "out" 3irty1, and publicly shame him!!! Perhaps 3irty1 should be suspended from his job?? food taken off his table?? His children marked with a scarlett letter??