Studs: AR, Nelson, Pass Protection, Mastay

Duds: Lacy, Lacy, Lacy, Defensive front 7, MM, Slocum, Brad Jones, House, basically the entire defense except for maybe 3 plays which is usually enough against Cutler if AR is on.

Terrible game for the Pack on Defense. Just bad. I know mid season trades are not the norm but we need NFL Caliber block eaters. This front 7 is terrible. CMIII is playing and looking hurt, Peppers is getting better at the stand up position and I liked Lattimore actually playing down hill SOME plays. Hawk looked terrible except when his helmet fell of 37.6 times this game, get a damn chin strap sloth.

Offense was AR throwing the ball and Jordy making plays. Cobb had a big game but missed a pass in the redzone that he should have caught. Lacy is pathetic when he tries to dance, on cut and hit the freaking hole! Starks needs the looks here in my opinion. He isnt getting the looks so he must have kicked MMs dog or something. Adams looked passable, R2 looked ok as a TE but needs time.

Refs: WHAT THE HELL. Seriously I think we came out on top of the phantom calls however they were worse than the replacement guys. Did they have a couple of pitchers in the parking lot before the game?

In the battle of two middling teams we out middled the Bears. I have no doubt the Vikes can route the Pack next week with Asiata and McKinnon against our girlscouts in the middle.