IT seemed to me that, seeing the other site was down, and a poster was showing up here, that a different approach, say a welcoming approach, might have served better, rather than stuffing the thread behind the login wall.

For example, instead of "FYI Bullshit move and next time you make a thread like this in the Packers area I will do more than move your thread."

try: "Welcome back to Packerrats Captain Kickass! Make sure to tell your buds over at the other forum to check us out. This is a freewheeling forum where we talk about everything, and allow a lot of fun latitude in the main forum, and also have forums for stuff that is specifically and intentionally off-topic. Tell 'em to sign up if they want access to that stuff, but have 'em sign up to post on Packer stuff regardless. We have a great group of posters and alway welcome more!"