First of all I wanna say hey guys. Hopefully this forum can turn into what JSO used to be, before all the ugliness.


Report: Favre wants to return if team can win

Brett Favre said Thursday that he wants to play again but will return only if the Packers can assemble a winning team.

Favre, the Packers veteran quarterback, told a newspaper reporter in Mississippi that if he does play again, it will be his last season.

“Last season, expectations were high and it was bad situation,” Favre told the Bay St. Louis Sun Herald during an appearance on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. “If we can’t compete at a high level, I can walk away and my legacy will speak for itself.”

Favre said rumors that he has a Saturday deadline to make a decision are untrue.

“If I don’t tell them by Saturday, what will they do, cut me?” he said. Favre said he has been in regular contact with team officials but there are still some issues to work out.

“If they don’t come together, I guess I won’t play,” he said. “I don’t know if my decision will be made by Saturday.”

-- Press-Gazette


I love Favre but his comments are absolutely bush league. He sounds like a spoiled brat. This is a team game and I'm of the mindset that NO ONE is bigger than the Packers organization itself.

“If I don’t tell them by Saturday, what will they do, cut me?”

Favre is losing my respect, and fast