Quote Originally Posted by pbmax View Post
Putting it on record that Murphy did a poor job for the Packers in searching for a new GM and extending the current coach's contract.

New GM has a five year deal and he is going to waste a year on a coach who should arguably be tossed. I did not like M3 inserting himself into this process. Murphy should have told him to pound sand, but they are clearly worried about Rodgers signing another deal. This reeks of Shermanism.

Compromises like this is how franchises go wrong. And Murphy should have acted to prevent it. If the only NFL talent in front office you know is what says hi to you at the water cooler every day, you are not doing your job.

Gutekunst might have been the best candidate out of the internal guys, but that doesn't make him the best candidate they could have gotten.

If the three internal guys would have pouted and gone elsewhere, so be it. I am also a little worried that the three old candidates didn't so much as ask to be included. I wonder if they are worried about M3 or Murphy? Or has the shine worn off the franchise?

