Silverstein thinks the moves needed to be made and then makes only one good case that they help.

Dix clearly understood the Packers weren't ready to reward him with a new deal. He was a year away from getting that deal at best and he clearly wasn't willing to ball out like Shields or Cobb were to secure the deal. It makes some sense from a self preservation standpoint, but you probably don't want to publicly admit it as Dix did. He backed the Packers into a corner.

But there is no question the Packers don't seem ready to improve with Dix being gone. Whitehead couldn't beat him out. Tramontana isn't a safety and neither is Breeland. No one near the team expects Jones to be elevated to starter.

Maybe the locker room is a vipers pit this year? But it doesn't seem like addition by subtraction. Seems like building for the future. Not sure you beat the Patriots or Vikings just by clearing the team focus.

The beat guys seemed convinced that Silver's player sources were vets, not bench guys. Wilde knows and likes Silver and is convinced its not a contrived story. In this case, it might be addition by subtraction. Even if Monty is not viewed as a me first player, his departure removes that topic from discussion. And it clearly puts Aaron Jones in line for more work. Which I think is a message from the GM to the coach.