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Thread: great beers

  1. #481
    Fact Rat HOFer Patler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patler View Post
    I came across Yuengling beer about a year ago. I really like it for "nothing special" drinking.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cheesehead Craig View Post
    My father-in-law lived in PA for about 35 yrs. He loved the stuff. He went to their brewery store and bought a couple of cases to bring back to MN and they gave him an extra bottle. When he asked what it was for the guy said "It's a roadie". Gotta love rural life.
    They claim to be the oldest brewery in the US. Until recently, apparently it was available only in PA. Now they have very limited distribution outside of PA. I first had it in Florida. Since one of my kids lives in PA, I have a steady source.

  2. #482
    Quote Originally Posted by George Cumby View Post
    Tomorrow is day 28 of my 28 day no beer challenge. Really hasn't been bad. I sleep better, my resting heart rate is down and post more coherently, I think.

    Toughest parts have been Friday after work, puttering away in the garage and watching football.
    I have stopped drinking entirely outside of when I travel for work. So once a quarter, I have a three day bender essentially. The rest of the time it feels great. I 100% believe booze is killing us (like many other things). It's insane how much better you feel when not drinking at all.

  3. #483
    Get that shit out of the great beers thread.

  4. #484
    Day 31 no etoh. Still going strong. No urge to consume because I feel so much better.

  5. #485
    Goddamned abstainers ruining the great beers thread.

  6. #486
    Quote Originally Posted by hoosier View Post
    Goddamned abstainers ruining the great beers thread.
    Have I told you how great I feel not drinking?

  7. #487
    Hey, Tommy, if I was really going to bust your balls I would just tell you to go home and get your shine box.

  8. #488

  9. #489
    Opa Rat HOFer Freak Out's Avatar
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    Fucking teetotalers.

  10. #490
    El Jardinero Rat HOFer MadtownPacker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hoosier View Post
    Goddamned abstainers ruining the great beers thread.
    At least it has activity. My MJ thread went up in smoke but not in the way I had hoped.

  11. #491
    Hands-to-the-face Rat HOFer 3irty1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Patler View Post
    They claim to be the oldest brewery in the US. Until recently, apparently it was available only in PA. Now they have very limited distribution outside of PA. I first had it in Florida. Since one of my kids lives in PA, I have a steady source.
    I've toured Yuengling and met the old man one of the sons who own the empire. Great tour, you get the see their ancient fermentation cave dug into the side of a mountain to keep it cool for lager yeast to work. Can still see where it was sealed up for prohibition.

    I first had Yuengling in Virginia in 2008 because it was the cheapest thing around that still came in bottles. Since then they've slowly been moving west. Now they're in Indiana. I asked the old man why we can't get it in Wisconsin and the picture I took away is that they are salty old German family businessmen who only expand when a golden opportunity comes along to buy up a failed brewery for pennies on the dollar.
    70% of the Earth is covered by water. The rest is covered by Al Harris.

  12. #492
    Quote Originally Posted by MadtownPacker View Post
    At least it has activity. My MJ thread went up in smoke but not in the way I had hoped.
    This one has activity because so-called beer drinkers are showing their true colors. Well, not George Cumby, I suspect he's still a real beer drinker and that he posts cuz he actually failed the one-month challenge and is in a state of denial. It's ok, George, we still accept you!

  13. #493
    ^ Enabler.

  14. #494
    El Jardinero Rat HOFer MadtownPacker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by George Cumby View Post
    ^ Enabler.
    ^ Says it while floating down the Denial River as the waters turns Michelada red.....

  15. #495
    El Jardinero Rat HOFer MadtownPacker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hoosier View Post
    This one has activity because so-called beer drinkers are showing their true colors. Well, not George Cumby, I suspect he's still a real beer drinker and that he posts cuz he actually failed the one-month challenge and is in a state of denial. It's ok, George, we still accept you!
    Maybe he smokes one he will confess he has a problem.

    Problem with not drinking!

  16. #496
    That raises an interesting question: who feels guiltier, the weed smoker or the beer drinker? I say beer. Pot smoking seems to make people refractory to external judgment.

  17. #497
    Quote Originally Posted by MadtownPacker View Post
    Maybe he smokes one he will confess he has a problem.

    Problem with not drinking!
    Why do you have a problem with me not having a problem?

    As soon as I put my retirement paperwork in, CBD oil here I come.

  18. #498
    El Jardinero Rat HOFer MadtownPacker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hoosier View Post
    That raises an interesting question: who feels guiltier, the weed smoker or the beer drinker? I say beer. Pot smoking seems to make people refractory to external judgment.
    Seems about right. The beer drinker says hold my beer, then punches me in the mouth for saying he has a problem.

  19. #499
    El Jardinero Rat HOFer MadtownPacker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by George Cumby View Post
    Why do you have a problem with me not having a problem?

  20. #500

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