View Poll Results: What to do about all those illegal immigrants?

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  • Enforce the law. Force all or most of them back to their home countries.

    7 41.18%
  • Let them stay, either as guest workers, or on path to citizenship.

    6 35.29%
  • Muddle along as we are. Don't make it too easy to be an illegal, but don't go nuts about it.

    4 23.53%
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Thread: What to do about all those illegal immigrants?

  1. #1

    What to do about all those illegal immigrants?

    Most people agree that we need to take action to end the flow of illegal immigrants into the country: build a fence, or have a national identity guard, or take other measures.

    The hard question is "What should be done about the 12 million (some say 20 million) illegal aliens already here?"

  2. #2
    Opa Rat HOFer Freak Out's Avatar
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    We need these people! Without them who is going to plant and harvest all of the things we are used to getting down at the farmers market and grocery store? Not me and not you that's for sure. Fear has caused us to fuck ourselves over once again. Farms all over the USA are feeling the heat, many stopped planting at all because of the cost and the lack of labor to harvest. Build a wall you stupid fucks and cut your throat while your at it.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Freak Out
    Build a wall you stupid fucks and cut your throat while your at it.
    Well, they could build a wall and still let needed workers in legally.

    I'm not saying a fence is a good or bad idea, just trying to get people to think about dealing with the illegals who are already here. the flow of illegals is a related but different issue, and the two problems get confused.

  4. #4
    El Jardinero Rat HOFer MadtownPacker's Avatar
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    I think they should send them all back to Germany, Africa, Saudia Arabia or where ever it was you originated from. If you ain't Native American you need to get on and that definitely includes you Harlan!

  5. #5
    Mad, you and I should take a trip together back to Germany and search for our ancestors. Maybe we are related.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by MadtownPacker
    I think they should send them all back to Germany, Africa, Saudia Arabia or where ever it was you originated from. If you ain't Native American you need to get on and that definitely includes you Harlan!
    Hey that means I get to someone go pick me some veggies....!
    "Greatness is not an act... but a habit.Greatness is not an act... but a habit." -Greg Jennings

  7. #7
    Opa Rat HOFer Freak Out's Avatar
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    Sorry about the rant....
    The people that are here can stay as guest workers and apply for citizenship as far as I'm concerned...there is work for them that most Americans will not take. Tax them just like the rest of us. If they have committed a crime while here throw them in jail, fine them or deport them depending on the circumstances.
    Of course you have to get them to come forward in the first place.

    A wall is insane.

  8. #8
    El Jardinero Rat HOFer MadtownPacker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harlan Huckleby
    Well, they could build a wall and still let needed workers in legally.

    I'm not saying a fence is a good or bad idea, just trying to get people to think about dealing with the illegals who are already here. the flow of illegals is a related but different issue, and the two problems get confused.
    Yeah but the wall wouldn't be as effective on the South and North borders. The West and East coast would not have as many trying to cross as the top and bottom.

    You did say this fence was going around the border of the U.S. right? I just wanted to make sure because you always change up shit.

  9. #9
    Speaking of change up shit, why don't you bring back your old avatar.

    The new one sucks, the kid just keeps walking and walking and never gets to eat the burrito. Sad really. the old one was much cooler anyway.

  10. #10

    Re: What to do about all those illegal immigrants?

    Quote Originally Posted by Harlan Huckleby
    Most people agree that we need to take action to end the flow of illegal immigrants into the country"
    Is that a gut feeling of yours or can you back it up with something more concrete?

    On the other hand, if the mayor of SLC, Utah is willing to stick his neck out against the boo-hoos who can't even recognize a good thing when it's right in front of their noses (see Freak Out's first post), that tells me that the wall-building consensus probably isn't as strong as you're implying.

  11. #11

    Re: What to do about all those illegal immigrants?

    Quote Originally Posted by hoosier
    Quote Originally Posted by Harlan Huckleby
    Most people agree that we need to take action to end the flow of illegal immigrants into the country"
    Is that a gut feeling of yours or can you back it up with something more concrete?
    Just a personal observation. I've never talked to anybody who favors an open border policy. Even the most pro-immigrant people I've met want a policy that determines who and how-many come in.

    I suppose some have an agenda to flood the country with immigrants. If we had a poll in this forum, I doubt any flooders would be here.

    Quote Originally Posted by hoosier
    that tells me that the wall-building consensus probably isn't as strong as you're implying.
    Ahhh, there's the confusion. I don't think a majority of people want to build a wall. My personal opinion is that it would be the least effective tool for controlling immigration, other factors (like identity verification) are way more important. I don't actually oppose a fence, but that's just a political calculation. If building a fence is the price of a sane policy, then have your fence.

  12. #12

    Re: What to do about all those illegal immigrants?

    Quote Originally Posted by Harlan Huckleby
    My personal opinion is that it would be the least effective tool for controlling immigration, other factors (like identity verification) are way more important.
    As long as labor market is the way it is I don't see how identity verification is going to work--all it would do is make access to medical treatment and other social services more difficult for illegals. It would build an invisible and internal wall, you could say. And, even more importantly, it wouldn't address the hypocrisy of those who want to have their cake and eat it too. Identity cards are a way to enjoy illegals' cheap labor and ignore them too.

  13. #13

    Re: What to do about all those illegal immigrants?

    Quote Originally Posted by hoosier
    As long as labor market is the way it is I don't see how identity verification
    Indiana, "identity verification" is not a policy, it's just a piece of the puzzle, a tool, a starting point. If people are allowed to be anonymous, or assume false identity as they do today, then NOTHING can be done. If you want anarchy, then we're already sitting pretty.

    I'm not talking about what should be done overall, don't jump to conclusions. I just wanted to survey people's attitudes towards the illegal immigrants who have already settled in the U.S.

  14. #14

    Re: What to do about all those illegal immigrants?

    Quote Originally Posted by Harlan Huckleby
    I'm not talking about what should be done overall, don't jump to conclusions. I just wanted to survey people's attitudes towards the illegal immigrants who have already settled in the U.S.
    Take it easy, no one's jumping to conclusions or attributing anything to anyone in particular. I'm just giving you my take on the idea that illegal immigration can be "resolved" through such means as identity cards. If you that's not your position, fine, the comment wasn't meant to stick to you.

    But I'm puzzled why you say that anonymity equals anarchy. When I look around me, whether I'm in rural Indiana or LA, what I see doesn't resemble anything close to what I'd call anarchy. On the contrary, I'd say we have too much order and that a little more anarchy would be a welcome change.

  15. #15

    Re: What to do about all those illegal immigrants?

    Quote Originally Posted by hoosier
    But I'm puzzled why you say that anonymity equals anarchy. When I look around me, whether I'm in rural Indiana or LA, what I see doesn't resemble anything close to what I'd call anarchy.
    I meant anarchy just in regard to immigration. I think chaos is pretty close to what we have now. Some communities are being wrecked by immigration. Well, I didn't want to start talking about it all, but now that I'm tweaked:

    I think the country can EASILY absorb the number of illegals in the country right now, and we should. The problem is the continuing, uncontrolled flow. I see a real threat, and we need to start regulating who gets into the country.

    Ummm, legal immigration levels have been a disgrace. We admit only a few hundred thousand people every year, when the labor market obviously requires millions. Then people gripe hypocritically about the damn illegals, as if our economy would be fine without them.

    Its complicated.

  16. #16
    Start shooting

  17. #17
    Postal Rat HOFer Joemailman's Avatar
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    Damn Illegal Immigrants!

    Ring the bells that still can ring
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    That's how the light gets in - Leonard Cohen

  18. #18
    I think we should give them to Mike Vick and let him turn them all into modern day gladiators with lots of death matches to control overpopulation.

    However, I wouldn't deny them basic healthcare.

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