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Thread: Crime and Punishment: Drunk driver kills 5

  1. #1

    Crime and Punishment: Drunk driver kills 5

    So what is the appropriate punishment for this guy (24) that drives drunk, kills 5 and ruins the lives of 3 others?
    .................................................. ............................................
    Police: Drunken driver kills 5 in Ohio

    By JOHN SEEWER, Associated Press Writer

    A drunken driver went about four miles down a highway in the wrong direction before his pickup truck slammed into a minivan, killing a woman and four children and injuring three others, police said Monday.

    Michael Gagnon, 24, drove north in the southbound lane of Interstate 280 late Sunday, colliding with the minivan and leaving scattered toys, stuffed animals and bits of gift wrap along the edge of the road, Toledo police said.

    Gagnon, had a blood-alcohol level of .254 after the crash, more than three times Ohio's legal limit of .08, police said. He was charged Monday with aggravated vehicular homicide.

    Gagnon's brother, Samuel Gagnon, told The (Baltimore) Sun they had been drinking at a hotel Sunday night and that his brother left in the truck without telling anyone before their sister arrived to drive them home.

    Samuel Gagnon declined comment to The Associated Press.

    Michael Gagnon stopped at a fast-food restaurant just before the crash. Workers called to alert police, but Gagnon left before an officer arrived, said Lt. Hank Everitt of the Oregon Police Department. Soon after, a 911 call came in about a driver going the wrong way on the interstate, he said. Other drivers also alerted police before the crash, he said.

    Both drivers tried to avoid each other, but the crash ripped a side door off the minivan, throwing out some of the victims, police said.

    Bethany Griffin, 36, Jordan Griffin, 10, Vadi Griffin, 2 months, Lacie Burkman, 7, and Haley Burkman, 10, were killed, according to police. All are from Parkville, Md.

    Three others who were in the minivan were taken to St. Vincent Mercy Medical Center. Danny Griffin Jr., 36, and Beu Burkman, 8, were listed in serious condition, while Sidney Griffin, 8, was in critical condition, a hospital spokeswoman said.

    Gagnon also was taken to a hospital, but his injuries did not appear to be as serious, Santiago said. There was no telephone listing for him or his family in Adrian.

  2. #2
    Senior Rat HOFer BallHawk's Avatar
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    It seems like the bastard that causes the tragedy always is the one that survives.

    The death penalty would never be a realistic outcome, but the guy should get life without parole, no question.
    "I've got one word for you- Dallas, Texas, Super Bowl"- Jermichael Finley

  3. #3
    Life in prison and have his skin peeled off and dipped in salt water. Death is too good for this guy! He should suffer!

  4. #4
    Something tells me that his suffering already has started..............let's hope our justice sytem puts him somewhere that will allow him to suffer for a very long time.

  5. #5
    He should be locked in a cell decorated with photos of the lives he's taken...
    "Greatness is not an act... but a habit.Greatness is not an act... but a habit." -Greg Jennings

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by BallHawk
    It seems like the bastard that causes the tragedy always is the one that survives.

    The death penalty would never be a realistic outcome, but the guy should get life without parole, no question.

    Ballhawk, while I agree with you, also, you know he won't get it. While admittedly, I'm a right-wing wacko, and as such very biased, just wondering how can you reconcile your support for someone like Obama, and then advocate throwing away the keys on this jerk?

    Do you realistically think Obama would be this tough? I cannot see it. furthermore, I can't see several of the "contestants" on the republican side of the aisle advocating life without parole either. Me? I'd gas the jerk.

    Not trying to start a political war, but, really want to hear your thoughts on this.

  7. #7
    Opa Rat HOFer Freak Out's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by retailguy
    Quote Originally Posted by BallHawk
    It seems like the bastard that causes the tragedy always is the one that survives.

    The death penalty would never be a realistic outcome, but the guy should get life without parole, no question.

    Ballhawk, while I agree with you, also, you know he won't get it. While admittedly, I'm a right-wing wacko, and as such very biased, just wondering how can you reconcile your support for someone like Obama, and then advocate throwing away the keys on this jerk?

    Do you realistically think Obama would be this tough? I cannot see it. furthermore, I can't see several of the "contestants" on the republican side of the aisle advocating life without parole either. Me? I'd gas the jerk.

    Not trying to start a political war, but, really want to hear your thoughts on this.
    If your going to give the guy life without parole then you may as well put a bullet in his head and save us all some money.
    I'd give the guy 10/20/30 years and then make him work the rest of his life in some type of public service educating youth/people about the horrific impact a decision like the one he made can have. Is it better for the victims or society if we just bury this person? or do we really make them pay their debt to the society that gave them the freedom to drink and drive? Tough call but do we try and make some good out of a horrible tragedy...?

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Freak Out
    If your going to give the guy life without parole then you may as well put a bullet in his head and save us all some money.
    I'd give the guy 10/20/30 years and then make him work the rest of his life in some type of public service educating youth/people about the horrific impact a decision like the one he made can have. Is it better for the victims or society if we just bury this person? or do we really make them pay their debt to the society that gave them the freedom to drink and drive? Tough call but do we try and make some good out of a horrible tragedy...?
    I guess that is how you "define" the Justice system. Does Justice mean "payment for actions" or some hybrid of it.... Justice seems to say "gas him". Rehabilitation seems to have replaced the dictionary meaning of 'justice'.

    You can decide if that's good or bad. Don't want to go down an alley here, but that may not be possible.

  9. #9
    Maybe if the survivors 'survive'.........let them decide.

  10. #10
    Senior Rat HOFer BallHawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by retailguy
    Ballhawk, while I agree with you, also, you know he won't get it. While admittedly, I'm a right-wing wacko, and as such very biased, just wondering how can you reconcile your support for someone like Obama, and then advocate throwing away the keys on this jerk?

    Do you realistically think Obama would be this tough? I cannot see it. furthermore, I can't see several of the "contestants" on the republican side of the aisle advocating life without parole either. Me? I'd gas the jerk.

    Not trying to start a political war, but, really want to hear your thoughts on this.
    Retail, I'd kill the guy off, too. I have no tolerance for people like this that knowingly drive drunk and then cause utter devastation to another family.

    I do not see eye to eye with Obama on every issue. I'm not purely Democratic either. I support Obama because he's not a run of the mill politician like Hillary or Edwards. He's the most down to earth of the candidates, the most human. He's the most likely to bring the two parties together, even though it is still doubtful.

    For the most part, I'm a supporter of capital punishment. Obama is not against capital punishment completely, he's against it being used as frequent as it is and as inconsistent as it is. While I do agree with him partially on this, I'm on the stance that if somebody knowingly puts themselves in a position where there is a chance that somebody's life is at risk then they the death penalty should be considered. Obviously, there are always details to be considered and options to be looked over, but, in this situation, for example, I would not hesitate to put the death penalty on this guy. He was 3 times over the limit and knew he wasn't supposed to drive and he did. That constitutes the death penalty, IMO.

    But, hell, if I was President I would enact Hammurabi's Code.
    "I've got one word for you- Dallas, Texas, Super Bowl"- Jermichael Finley

  11. #11
    Opa Rat HOFer Freak Out's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BallHawk
    But, hell, if I was President I would enact Hammurabi's Code.
    Considering what the American people have let Bush/Cheney/Congress do you just might be able to pull it and Marduck.

  12. #12
    Grouchy Rat Starter Oscar's Avatar
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    I've always considered new years eve amateur night... The one time that most that don't drink in excess cut loose and party hardy.. Being a recovering alcoholic...(16 months without a drink) reads like this really suck. I guess I was just plain lucky all the times I drove drunk..Never had an accident or a DWI..I'd say all those on the road at the same time as I were the true lucky ones... Hope everyone out on the town makes it home safe and sound..
    Formerly known as "Jeffro66".

  13. #13
    Senior Rat HOFer GBRulz's Avatar
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    This guy won't get life in prison, which is what he deserves. But for the time he is locked up, I'd send him to as many high schools as possible to speak to kids about driving drunk.

    I know when I was in school, we had a few speakers who were there because of various situations where they thought "it could never happen to them" and those people had a great influence on me.

    This guy is going to sit in the slammer for a while at the taxpayers expense. Might as well try to get something useful out of a tragic situation like this. Also, not a day will go by where he won't think about this family he destroyed.

  14. #14
    Rat Packer HOFer Jimx29's Avatar
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    it's completely beyond me how the hell someone can even get going the wrong way in the first place.
    The Bottom Line:
    Formally Numb, same person, same views of M3

  15. #15
    Senior Rat HOFer the_idle_threat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GBRulz
    This guy won't get life in prison, which is what he deserves. But for the time he is locked up, I'd send him to as many high schools as possible to speak to kids about driving drunk.

    I know when I was in school, we had a few speakers who were there because of various situations where they thought "it could never happen to them" and those people had a great influence on me.

    This guy is going to sit in the slammer for a while at the taxpayers expense. Might as well try to get something useful out of a tragic situation like this. Also, not a day will go by where he won't think about this family he destroyed.

  16. #16
    Creepy Rat HOFer SkinBasket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GBRulz
    This guy won't get life in prison, which is what he deserves. But for the time he is locked up, I'd send him to as many high schools as possible to speak to kids about driving drunk.

    I know when I was in school, we had a few speakers who were there because of various situations where they thought "it could never happen to them" and those people had a great influence on me.

    This guy is going to sit in the slammer for a while at the taxpayers expense. Might as well try to get something useful out of a tragic situation like this. Also, not a day will go by where he won't think about this family he destroyed.
    Might as well give him a hug and a handjob too. He can wait until after he's been locked in a cell for a couple decades, and it shouldn't be one of those min security places, before he gets to spend his time out talking to kids.

  17. #17
    Senior Rat HOFer the_idle_threat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SkinBasket
    Might as well give him a hug and a handjob too.
    We'll let you do that if you want, Skin.

  18. #18
    Wolf Pack Rat HOFer Deputy Nutz's Avatar
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    36 months in jail and 1000 hours of community service. Some reason this country's justice system still takes responsibility away from the user and places it on the substance. "He didn't mean to kill those people, it was still an accident."

    Bullshit, I believe in torture.

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by Deputy Nutz
    Bullshit, I believe in torture.

    Torture - eh? Make him read this:

  20. #20
    Wolf Pack Rat HOFer Deputy Nutz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scott Campbell
    Quote Originally Posted by Deputy Nutz
    Bullshit, I believe in torture.

    Torture - eh? Make him read this:

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