Quote Originally Posted by Harlan Huckleby
Quote Originally Posted by hoosier
I think Tyrone is right. Blame the implementer so that the ideology being implemented can blend into today's conventional wisdom. In that sense you could say the neocons needed people like Rummy, Ashcroft and Gonzalez to become fall guys.
You and Tyrone are simply assuming that their ideology is wrong. If the ideology was wrong, then yes, you could say that Rummy et al are fall guys for a doomed ideology.

But we haven't even begun to discuss the merits of their ideology.

Quote Originally Posted by hoosier
the Yugoslavia analogy is baffling. So many differences...how would we even begin to compare with Iraq?
the commonality is in the idealogy: that American military power should be used for promotion of democracy and human rights (with consideration for American interests.)
No, i'm not assuming the ideology is wrong. Regardless of ideology, who were they going to blame for the lack of success? The MSM? LOL

Yugo: You are really pushing it. I don't seem to recall democracy being the reason we went to Iraq. I recall something about a mushroom cloud, etc.

You are correct that if they were successful, Iran was next.