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Thread: Lost Season 4

  1. #61
    Senior Rat All-Pro twoseven's Avatar
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    I like the direction this looks to be headed, creepy. I had posted a prediction of a quasi civil war between those that wanted/had to stay versus those that wanted/had to go here last week in the favorite character string, but I still don't believe it, they've only been on the island 91 days, you wouldn't think they be stir crazy just yet. I'm still reaching for how/why Locke and Linus are so adamant that no one leaves, the location of the island seems so hidden, what do they care if someone goes? Looks like a civil conflict may be the case after all, got the potential for an adult version of Lord Of The Flies, acts so animal that the six dare not reveal to the outside world how primal they got with each other when push came to shove.

    There may only be six that get off, who knows how many get killed in the process, but I fully expect that someone WILL be going back to the island, post-flash forward, to tie up business. That being said, I think things will move faster than some predict concerning how quickly the in-fighting turns deadly, how soon the six are gone, and when things head back to the island.

  2. #62
    Senior Rat All-Pro twoseven's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Partial
    That and he sounds like Scottish when he says that.

    They screwed up Sawyer's character by having him kill Locke's dad. His whole point of life was to kill the original Sawyer. He is now all dark and jaded on the show.
    I think you can throw into that Sawyer has probably got Kate pregnant, now has to look out for her well being AND get her off the island so she and his child don't die. If so, it's interesting that he has sided with those that will wish to stay. Is there a chance he's done this to better position himself to block the efforts of Locke's side in keeping Kate from leaving?. I predict Sawyer is going full-on self sacrifice for his love and unborn child sooner or later, a bigger tear jerker than his near execution in front of Kate in season 3.

  3. #63
    Wolf Pack Rat HOFer Deputy Nutz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by twoseven
    Quote Originally Posted by Partial
    That and he sounds like Scottish when he says that.

    They screwed up Sawyer's character by having him kill Locke's dad. His whole point of life was to kill the original Sawyer. He is now all dark and jaded on the show.
    I think you can throw into that Sawyer has probably got Kate pregnant, now has to look out for her well being AND get her off the island so she and his child don't die. If so, it's interesting that he has sided with those that will wish to stay. Is there a chance he's done this to better position himself to block the efforts of Locke's side in keeping Kate from leaving?. I predict Sawyer is going full-on self sacrifice for his love and unborn child sooner or later, a bigger tear jerker than his near execution in front of Kate in season 3.
    Na, Sawyer is getting the hell away from prego Kate, he got a taste, now he is on to greener pastures.

  4. #64
    Cool, they showed last week again + a new one!!

  5. #65
    ? HOFer
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    Ehh let's not get into that just yet
    This weeks is supposed to be pretty bad. The next couple of weeks are supposed to kick ass.

    We have a Sayid, a Kate, a Desmond, a Juliet, and Michael episodes before the season breaks.

  6. #66
    Why are those people looking for Ben????

    dang, is there anyone as slimy as Ben???

  7. #67
    I didn't think it was bad. I haven't seen a "bad" episode of Lost yet!

  8. #68
    Wolf Pack Rat HOFer Deputy Nutz's Avatar
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    Overall it was an ok episode. Not much given away on this episode other than then the new comers looking for Ben.

  9. #69
    ? HOFer
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    Ehh let's not get into that just yet

  10. #70
    Senior Rat HOFer oregonpackfan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GrnBay007
    Why are those people looking for Ben????

    dang, is there anyone as slimy as Ben???
    I read an article about the actor who plays Ben. His acting is so convincing he says he can't go out in public without passerby coming up to him and giving him negative comments, even spitting on him! Now, that is acting!

  11. #71
    El Jardinero Rat HOFer MadtownPacker's Avatar
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    Not bad, not bad at all.

    Ben can take an asskicking.

    The helicopter is gonna get blown up by Locke.

    Hurley is special. He better watch his back.

    What the hell was up with the ghostbuster?

    The plane in the water is staged.

  12. #72
    Senior Rat All-Pro twoseven's Avatar
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    A polar bear from he island ends up on Tunisia (Africa) at what becomes an excavation site. they STILL haven't given up on the time travel/wormhole angle, and now I would imagine they'll have to deal with it to explain Echo's brother's small plane getting from Africa to the island, possibly how Black Rock has landed on island.

  13. #73
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    Ehh let's not get into that just yet
    Quote Originally Posted by twoseven
    A polar bear from he island ends up on Tunisia (Africa) at what becomes an excavation site. they STILL haven't given up on the time travel/wormhole angle, and now I would imagine they'll have to deal with it to explain Echo's brother's small plane getting from Africa to the island, possibly how Black Rock has landed on island.
    That I did not think of. I assumed it a second Dharma testing site. Was that the same Dharma logo as the one in the zoo from last season?

  14. #74
    Wolf Pack Rat HOFer Deputy Nutz's Avatar
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    I agree with Partial, I think it is just another Dharma facility in the desert.

  15. #75
    i think the new people were hired by the real dharma, and somehow they know ben was the head of the group that killed everyonne else. and they want revenge

    now, dharma knew that the plane crashed on their island, which they have done a good job of keeping secret. so maybe they staged the other plane crash?

    or it could be some super f'ed up type of thing that none of us can imagine

    i wish they would just kill that slimy little prick ben already.

  16. #76
    ? HOFer
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    Ehh let's not get into that just yet
    The fact that there is a Desmond episode coming up and the whole "Not Penny's Boat" thing leads me to believe that the boat is affiliated with Penny's dad. Widmore industries has popped up in many references to the show and it is supposedly linked with Darma.

    Also, I think the Juliet episode coming up tells us that she is still working with Ben.

    Also, I think Michael is the spy on the boat. Note Ben sent him to "find rescue" at a certain coordinate.

  17. #77
    ? HOFer
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    Ehh let's not get into that just yet
    Since they're coming for Ben, I have to think that the ghost buster is somehow looking for Jacob as well. Otherwise I don't understand why he'd be there.

  18. #78
    Senior Rat HOFer oregonpackfan's Avatar
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    The mystery of the "Evil Black Cloud" still has not been resolved.

    If you recall, it was the Black Cloud that grabbed Mr. Echo and pounded him against a massive tree. The pounded killed Mr. Echo.

    What does this Black Cloud represent?

  19. #79
    Senior Rat All-Pro twoseven's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deputy Nutz
    I agree with Partial, I think it is just another Dharma facility in the desert.
    That symbol was for the Hydra station, the one on the second island that Sawyer, Kate and Jack were on.

    How a tiny plane travels thousands of miles from Africa to the Thailand region without a's not possible.

  20. #80
    Senior Rat All-Pro twoseven's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Partial
    Since they're coming for Ben, I have to think that the ghost buster is somehow looking for Jacob as well. Otherwise I don't understand why he'd be there.
    Ben slaughtered 40 people from the Dharma initiative. The Dharma initiative was NOT some secret society that no one knew about. They were a research group on the island working on many things, they had open communication with the outside world. Is there a slight chance that some of the original Dharma's colleagues, friends, family, descendants that were on the mainland might have wondered after several years of not hearing from their people if something bad had happened? I would think so. Can we even rule out that someone possibly escaped the slaughter and got back to the mainland to explain what Ben did? Maybe those people send out someone to find Ben? I think it's too early to assume there has to be some super deep explanation for some specialists finally finding the island looking. I'm looking at the intense bald african american guy as tied to the original Dharma group, if they are still out there. If anyone could want Ben on a platter it would be them.

    My prediction on the Asian newbie..he is the son of the Asian one-armed man from the Dharma orientation films that Locked fawned over. Why? Because for as intriguing as he (one arm) was we never saw him in a Ben flashback or really learned anything about him. Other logical explanation, who do you send to an island that apparently has spirits on it..perhaps a medium, which is what the new guy seems to be, though I would like to know what his device is.

    The pilot wanting to find his

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