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Thread: Recession coming

  1. #341
    Sugadaddy Rat HOFer Zool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Partial
    LOL, lets do it. Than I can be a winner per Ty's standards!!
    Way to aim high.
    Quote Originally Posted by 3irty1 View Post
    This is museum quality stupidity.

  2. #342
    ? HOFer
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    Ehh let's not get into that just yet
    I do shoot for moon.

    In any case, who here is looking to invest in real-estate once the market bottoms out?

    Here is an interesting take on the housing crisis:

    My manager was discussing this with a faculty member at Harvard Business School, and they had an interesting take: it's generational.

    Every 20ish years, some portion of the financial sector goes through a meltdown. This is a time period just long enough for the greyhairs from the previous crisis to retire, and for the next generation to be entrenched.

    And, that new generation generally gains their experience during the post-crash runup, when risk is rewarded with tremendous bonuses, not concern.

    When the risk-adverse old generation retires, and the risk-takers move into the management positions, there's an institutional inertia and culture of shooting for the moon, all the time. The problem is, while that works during high growth times, it is suicidal during a slump... but "It won't happen this time" or "It might happen, but not to *our* sector, we *learned*" then become the mantras.

    Setting up another crisis.

    It's easy to point the finger and say "Oooooh, greedy bastards!" but y'know, for certain time periods, it frickin *works* to go balls out. (.com bubble anyone?) Everyone applauds you, and you live the high life. (And anyone who says that no part of them wouldn't want to is lying.)

    The trick is to recognize when the landscape is changing, and alter your behavior accordingly. When the boom times have lasted for much of the active portion of an industry's career, it's hard to turn the boat.

    This crisis will pass, a lot of people will lose fortunes and savings, and then in a couple of years a new boom will start from the pieces of this crash... and the cycle will start over.

    See you in 20 years.

  3. #343
    Quote Originally Posted by MadtownPacker
    Look P, I got some homies that want to flood your nice town with meth. You just gotta help turn everyone into tweakers. Then you can buy your house by next year with this plan.

    So what do you say?

    I say they are looking to move in on my turf. I RUN this town.

  4. #344
    Quote Originally Posted by Partial
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone Bigguns

    You obviously don't understand strawman.

    Student loans only to those who work. Sigh. Just when i thought you couldn't be more stupid or a bigger prick, you rise to the occasion.
    Why? I don't understand why everyone cannot work during college. I have a challenging major, work close to full time, and still have plenty of time for fun and academic success.

    I don't see why everyone in college can't work 25 hours. 16 hours can be done on weekends, and 9 hours can be done during the week. That isn't asking too much, and it will teach students money management, more responbility, etc.

    My guess is you didn't work during college because you have rich parents. How can you possibly argue this is not a good idea?!?!?!?

    Credit: Again another strawman. You never answer about those who haven't abused their credit. And, who are you to determine their credit worthiness or if they make a mistake? Suppose i turn it around on you and say i wouldnt' hire anyone who didn't attend the top state school in their state..that would mean you never can work for my company. YOu would complain and say i was young and i've improved.
    What the hell is with the strawman?? In any case, I'd rather be a strawman, whatever that may be, than a pompous ass. I don't see a correlation between the school metaphor and any discussion about credit. If I'm a lender, I am going to see to it that I get paid back. Therefore, I want someone who save up 30% at least.

    Asset: dude, i highly doubt you've read half the stuff you say you you are an expert on way to many things for a college student who has schoolwork and a job. BTW, if you know anything about is not a real good investment.
    Not right now obviously, but housing can be an asset. How many have made millions selling real estate??!? My fathers current house has quadrupled in value in 10 years. I consider than an asset.

    And, again, i guess people won't be having children before they buy a house as that effects their accumulation rate. Nor will anyone who earns less than 30k.
    Then they can rent. Again, I don't care what others do, but if people want to be idiots and lose money on their house by not having the downpayment, why not rent? It will work out for some, but I am not about throwing money away. Evidently I am just not as big of a baller or as smart as you, though.

    Criticism: Sorry, but you are wrong. Until you are in the real world you shouldn't be making judgements on others. You are living with your parents in an "unreal" situation..and living with a safety net that others don't have. It shapes your perspective.
    How am I wrong about my own finances, exactly? You're wrong. Clearly our priorities in life are different. You're a single guy with rich parents so you probably have some good money to blow around. I am saving my money so I can have a nice family and a modest home some day. Difference strokes for different folks I guess.

    520: LOL. You must be living in a piece of shit. are a huge success. I guess living with 4 guys makes you a winner.
    You laugh all you want. My guess is your rich parents paid your rent in college since its evident to me you never had to have a job! Personally, I would rather have roomates and live cheaply than live alone and pay quite a bit more. It's a personal preference, so why would you criticize?

    The reason I will do that until I am married is because I am save an assload of money and be able to have a modest house paid off by the time I am 30. Did you have your house paid off by 30? To each his own, I suppose, but while it may seem crazy to you I am doing exactly what I want.

    My dad did pretty much the same thing. He has told me countless times that he can right me a check for whatever amount I would ever need. He is 57 years old. My goal is to be able to do the same. Perhaps that isn't for everyone, but its something that I would like to be able to do, and I'll do whatever it takes to accomplish.
    My god, you really are an idiot. You dismiss something without even understanding what it is. That just shows your level of intellect.

    Work: Again, you miss the point. Plenty of people work and still make mistakes. However, the point is that you work and live at home. Thus, you aren't the norm. Most people can't do this..therefore your life isn't a good example.

    BTW, I worked all the way thru school..including working the graveyard shift. You should just stop making assumptions..because they only further reinforce what most here know about you. That you are young, dumb and full of it.

    And, living with others is fine, but at some point it just shows that you can't survive on your OWN. And, you will quickly find that most women view that as well. A couple of years of a roommate is fine, but after that...LOSER.

    Strawman: Well, you prove it again. One you don't even understand what it is. Two, you are too lazy to find out. Three, you constantly invent them.

    The point, is that you make arbitrary rules as you go. As if having saved money is a better indicator of ability to pay. Banks certainly have stayed in business by making loans. You are just a freakin moron.

    And, you can't EVER once explain how low wage earners would EVER finance a home.

    Asset: As i watch you retreat, i laught. And, your father's house quadrupuled. Unless you can provide me with the county assesor or something to that effect, i'm inclined not to believe you.

    But, you don't even understand the basics of investing and how a house falls into the schema. As for investing, a house is not at the top of the list. The housing buble is over. The benefits of home ownership have been vastly oversold. If you buy a place and plan on selling it in 10 years it will bring in money because of inflation, it won't likely have appreciated.

    Finally, you expose the fundamental truth. Your dad can help you out. If you can't see how that affects your worldview and the decisions you make then you are truly clueless. Most folks don't have that.

    And, my parents have provided me with anything in I would guess in 20 years. That includes even things like airline tickets to visit them. That is why i can say what i say, because i live it. I don't rely on anybody.

    You, on the otherhand, are a young kid, who has barely experienced life and has yet to make your mark. Come back when you have actually accomplished LIVE ON YOUR OWN WITHOUT DEPENDING ON OTHERS.

  5. #345
    ? HOFer
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    Ehh let's not get into that just yet
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone Bigguns
    My god, you really are an idiot. You dismiss something without even understanding what it is. That just shows your level of intellect.
    I don't have the time nor the inclination to look up some of the BS you say.

    Work: Again, you miss the point. Plenty of people work and still make mistakes. However, the point is that you work and live at home. Thus, you aren't the norm. Most people can't do this..therefore your life isn't a good example.
    Accept I did the same thing in Platteville when living on my own.. I reiterate, I don't see any reason why someone cannot work 25 hours while attending school and come out in much better shape than they would be otherwise.

    BTW, I worked all the way thru school..including working the graveyard shift. You should just stop making assumptions..because they only further reinforce what most here know about you. That you are young, dumb and full of it.
    OK. Good.

    And, living with others is fine, but at some point it just shows that you can't survive on your OWN. And, you will quickly find that most women view that as well. A couple of years of a roommate is fine, but after that...LOSER.
    Except I am sure you lived with others when you were 22. I don't think my girlfriend will think I am a loser living with my best friends until I tie the knot. Why would I waste all that money renting my own place? That is just dumb. I don't waste energy worrying about what other people or women think. I have enough to worry about.

    Strawman: Well, you prove it again. One you don't even understand what it is. Two, you are too lazy to find out. Three, you constantly invent them.
    OK Ty, I would say that you do the same stuff.

    The point, is that you make arbitrary rules as you go. As if having saved money is a better indicator of ability to pay. Banks certainly have stayed in business by making loans. You are just a freakin moron.
    Yeah.. I'm not worried about whats good for the banks. Many banks are staying in business right now because of the tax payers. I am talking about whats good for people, or if I was a bank how I would conduct my business.

    And, you can't EVER once explain how low wage earners would EVER finance a home.
    If they cannot afford to save their money, than they cannot afford the house. duh. I don't get whats so complicated about that? If you can't save up 20%, than you cannot afford the house you're looking at. There are plenty of modest homes for 150k in the suburbs of Milwaukee or Waukesha. If you cannot save up 20-30% of this in a few years simply by being responsible with your spending, than you cannot afford that home and should rent.

    Asset: As i watch you retreat, i laught. And, your father's house quadrupuled. Unless you can provide me with the county assesor or something to that effect, i'm inclined not to believe you.
    Much of brookfield and new berlin blew up in this time. I doubt its worth that much now, but thats what it was at its peak. He did make many improvements via equity hours, though.

    But, you don't even understand the basics of investing and how a house falls into the schema. As for investing, a house is not at the top of the list. The housing buble is over. The benefits of home ownership have been vastly oversold. If you buy a place and plan on selling it in 10 years it will bring in money because of inflation, it won't likely have appreciated.
    Ty, it all depends of where you live, how much you put in, how fast you pay it off, etc. Ask Scott Campbell.. I seem to recall he took a hearty risk on a house and it paid off big time.

    Finally, you expose the fundamental truth. Your dad can help you out. If you can't see how that affects your worldview and the decisions you make then you are truly clueless. Most folks don't have that.
    That's a true statement if the situation became truly horrible, but I would never go that route. If something tragic ever happened to me, just like anyone else, it'd be tough to recover. I don't think my parents ability to help me out is any different than yours at the current stage in your life. If you became a paraplegic and your insurance didn't cover your bills, your parents would probably help you out some. Same here. That's about the extent of a backup plan they provide. I highly doubt its any different then most other people's.

    And, my parents have provided me with anything in I would guess in 20 years. That includes even things like airline tickets to visit them. That is why i can say what i say, because i live it. I don't rely on anybody.
    I would hope not. I will be the same way as soon as college is done.

    You, on the otherhand, are a young kid, who has barely experienced life and has yet to make your mark. Come back when you have actually accomplished LIVE ON YOUR OWN WITHOUT DEPENDING ON OTHERS.
    What does that have anything to do with this discussion? I don't see how any of this stuff as any barring. My statement is people don't spend their money wisely and don't know how to save money. By forcing them to, it'd be a good thing for those individuals long term. What exactly is your point?

  6. #346
    Creepy Rat HOFer SkinBasket's Avatar
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    I can't believe Partial is doing this... AGAIN.

    I'm not sure if I should laugh or cry.

  7. #347
    Senior Rat HOFer BallHawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SkinBasket
    I can't believe Partial is doing this... AGAIN.

    I'm not sure if I should laugh or cry.
    It's a weekly occurrence.
    "I've got one word for you- Dallas, Texas, Super Bowl"- Jermichael Finley

  8. #348
    Creepy Rat HOFer SkinBasket's Avatar
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    He must be running out of things to be clueless about. We just covered this only weeks ago.

  9. #349
    Quote Originally Posted by SkinBasket
    I can't believe Partial is doing this... AGAIN.

    I'm not sure if I should laugh or cry.
    It isn't an either or...feel free to do both. I'm crying because i'm laughing so hard.

  10. #350
    Creepy Rat HOFer SkinBasket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Partial of March 18
    I don't think my parents ability to help me out is any different than yours at the current stage in your life. If you became a paraplegic and your insurance didn't cover your bills, your parents would probably help you out some. Same here. That's about the extent of a backup plan they provide. I highly doubt its any different then most other people's.
    Quote Originally Posted by Partial of Jan 30
    I listen to my Dad before anyone else. One smart cookie. Makes over 6 figures at his job and he says he typically makes more in interest than in Comission. I am in line to take over his job.

    Recently he purchased an investment that pays 65k profit per year. I will get to take over that as well.

    My grandfather worked very hard and started up a successful business and that has trickled down and helped every member of my family when purchasing a house, having a wedding, etc.
    I wish I had this kind of "back up plan." Especially since it isn't much different than most other people's. Well, most people except for those fucking bums. Always harassing me for a piece of my hard earned back up plan.

  11. #351
    Quote Originally Posted by SkinBasket
    Quote Originally Posted by Partial of March 18
    I don't think my parents ability to help me out is any different than yours at the current stage in your life. If you became a paraplegic and your insurance didn't cover your bills, your parents would probably help you out some. Same here. That's about the extent of a backup plan they provide. I highly doubt its any different then most other people's.
    Quote Originally Posted by Partial of Jan 30
    I listen to my Dad before anyone else. One smart cookie. Makes over 6 figures at his job and he says he typically makes more in interest than in Comission. I am in line to take over his job.

    Recently he purchased an investment that pays 65k profit per year. I will get to take over that as well.

    My grandfather worked very hard and started up a successful business and that has trickled down and helped every member of my family when purchasing a house, having a wedding, etc.
    I wish I had this kind of "back up plan." Especially since it isn't much different than most other people's. Well, most people except for those fucking bums. Always harassing me for a piece of my hard earned back up plan.
    Could you also research his dad's pad? I seem to recall that partial was saying how the neighborhood was terrible..yet, now it is highly desirable area that has quadrupuled in value.

  12. #352
    ? HOFer
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    Ehh let's not get into that just yet
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone Bigguns
    Quote Originally Posted by SkinBasket
    Quote Originally Posted by Partial of March 18
    I don't think my parents ability to help me out is any different than yours at the current stage in your life. If you became a paraplegic and your insurance didn't cover your bills, your parents would probably help you out some. Same here. That's about the extent of a backup plan they provide. I highly doubt its any different then most other people's.
    Quote Originally Posted by Partial of Jan 30
    I listen to my Dad before anyone else. One smart cookie. Makes over 6 figures at his job and he says he typically makes more in interest than in Comission. I am in line to take over his job.

    Recently he purchased an investment that pays 65k profit per year. I will get to take over that as well.

    My grandfather worked very hard and started up a successful business and that has trickled down and helped every member of my family when purchasing a house, having a wedding, etc.
    I wish I had this kind of "back up plan." Especially since it isn't much different than most other people's. Well, most people except for those fucking bums. Always harassing me for a piece of my hard earned back up plan.
    Could you also research his dad's pad? I seem to recall that partial was saying how the neighborhood was terrible..yet, now it is highly desirable area that has quadrupuled in value.
    Since when is Brookfield/New Berlin border a bad area? I doubt it is still quadrupled, but he was convinced he could get that much for it last year when he was considering moving to a house on a golf course. I don't really get what is hard to understand about it at all. Right after my folks got a divorce 12 years ago or so, he bought a cheap, shitty house. It was in a good area, and he has fixed it up, put an addition on, finished the basement, made a backyard, re-roofed it, etc. About 4 years ago, the housing boom and milwaukee county tax were moving everyone and their mother (like skin) to Waukesha county. Really, its not unrealistic at all. Perhaps he was being a little generous with the 4x estimate, but that is what he thought so who am I to argue. One of his friends who was a contractor stayed with him for about 6 months after he got a divorce and he redid the kitchen, bathroom and put in the skylights free of charge in exchange for a room.

    Marquette is the terrible area. My family doesn't live around the thugs.

    Again, simply because a family has a successful business does not mean they get to take advantage of it. The deal is I need to have a masters degree and have made a success of myself on my own before given anything. Christ, you guys act like anyone can be an F off and get taken care of.

    I don't see how any of this is relevant. You are claiming its crazy talk to expect someone to save 20% before buying a house. What does any of this have to do with that???

    This is a discussion about doing what it takes and making sacrifices to get 20% down. My family has some money, but I would NEVER take a handout from them. Like you claim to be (emphasis on claim), I'm my own man with a great deal of pride.

    Instead of defending the fact that if someone cannot save 20% that they cannot afford a house, you've decided to attack me personally calling me naive, etc. Yet I have provided a clearly laid out plan that contradicts just about everything you're saying. Yet instead of providing reasons why my plan is flawed, you just say I am dumb, etc.

  13. #353
    ? HOFer
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    Ehh let's not get into that just yet
    Quote Originally Posted by SkinBasket
    Quote Originally Posted by Partial of March 18
    I don't think my parents ability to help me out is any different than yours at the current stage in your life. If you became a paraplegic and your insurance didn't cover your bills, your parents would probably help you out some. Same here. That's about the extent of a backup plan they provide. I highly doubt its any different then most other people's.
    Quote Originally Posted by Partial of Jan 30
    I listen to my Dad before anyone else. One smart cookie. Makes over 6 figures at his job and he says he typically makes more in interest than in Comission. I am in line to take over his job.

    Recently he purchased an investment that pays 65k profit per year. I will get to take over that as well.

    My grandfather worked very hard and started up a successful business and that has trickled down and helped every member of my family when purchasing a house, having a wedding, etc.
    I wish I had this kind of "back up plan." Especially since it isn't much different than most other people's. Well, most people except for those fucking bums. Always harassing me for a piece of my hard earned back up plan.
    Your **** is a ******. What more of a back-up plan do you need?!? It's not any different than mine.. Except the difference is mine isn't a back-up plan, I have to get a masters degree, and be deemed a success to take over. Yours is far more of a sure thing. I have to compete with his two brothers kids (4 others) and my sister. It's certainly not set in stone.

  14. #354
    Creepy Rat HOFer SkinBasket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Partial
    Quote Originally Posted by SkinBasket
    Quote Originally Posted by Partial of March 18
    I don't think my parents ability to help me out is any different than yours at the current stage in your life. If you became a paraplegic and your insurance didn't cover your bills, your parents would probably help you out some. Same here. That's about the extent of a backup plan they provide. I highly doubt its any different then most other people's.
    Quote Originally Posted by Partial of Jan 30
    I listen to my Dad before anyone else. One smart cookie. Makes over 6 figures at his job and he says he typically makes more in interest than in Comission. I am in line to take over his job.

    Recently he purchased an investment that pays 65k profit per year. I will get to take over that as well.

    My grandfather worked very hard and started up a successful business and that has trickled down and helped every member of my family when purchasing a house, having a wedding, etc.
    I wish I had this kind of "back up plan." Especially since it isn't much different than most other people's. Well, most people except for those fucking bums. Always harassing me for a piece of my hard earned back up plan.
    Your **** is a ******. What more of a back-up plan do you need?!? It's not any different than mine.. Except the difference is mine isn't a back-up plan, I have to get a masters degree, and be deemed a success to take over. Yours is far more of a sure thing. I have to compete with his two brothers kids (4 others) and my sister. It's certainly not set in stone.
    You're right, it's not your back-up plan, it's your master plan. Your god-given right to a "successful" life, built on the sweat and tears and blood of your forefathers. Very romantic stuff. I bet your girl gets a stiffy just thinking about it before she pushes it in you.

    Nice to see you still are completely oblivious to what a family is, too. I understand your family fell apart years ago. It's sad. Really, it is. If you continue to hold the same views you do now, whatever family you try to make in the future probably will suffer the same fate. Not trying to dig you, just warn you for your potential retarded children's sake.

    The "potential" refers to you being able to produce children by the way, not the part about them being retards.

    Partial says, "Nothing's set in stone. Except for the fact I'm rich bitches!!!!"

  15. #355
    ? HOFer
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    Ehh let's not get into that just yet
    I disagree.

  16. #356
    Creepy Rat HOFer SkinBasket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Partial
    I disagree.
    Good for you. Nice to see all the stars out tonight.

  17. #357
    Senior Rat HOFer BallHawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Partial
    Your **** is a ******.

    For that?
    "I've got one word for you- Dallas, Texas, Super Bowl"- Jermichael Finley

  18. #358
    Creepy Rat HOFer SkinBasket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BallHawk
    Quote Originally Posted by Partial
    Your **** is a ******.

    For that?
    I was trying to figure it out too. I think it's because I've never divulged that info here, only at the previous site, and I guess it could be considered personal information.

  19. #359
    Sugadaddy Rat HOFer Zool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SkinBasket
    Quote Originally Posted by BallHawk
    Quote Originally Posted by Partial
    Your **** is a ******.

    For that?
    I was trying to figure it out too. I think it's because I've never divulged that info here, only at the previous site, and I guess it could be considered personal information.
    Quote Originally Posted by 3irty1 View Post
    This is museum quality stupidity.

  20. #360
    Creepy Rat HOFer SkinBasket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zool

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