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Thread: GB Press Gazette Chat - Rob Demovsky

  1. #1

    GB Press Gazette Chat - Rob Demovsky

    TOM, PALATINE, IL : Has Rod Gardner been at the OTA's last week? I have a feeling this guy doesnt know what is at stake for him

    Rob Demovsky: Tom- Gardner was not here for any of the three workouts last week, but he showed up today. He said he had some committments last week and could have made one of the workouts but didn't want to come all the way to Green Bay for just one practice and then have to leave. If he's worth anything, you're right he'll have a chance to do something with this team considering Donald Driver is the only other proven receiver on the roster.
    Nik, Eden Prairie, MN: Thanks for taking this question, Mr. Demovsky. I have been wondering since the draft, why was Greenway taken so far ahead of Hodge? Hodge looked just as good in college, and I heard Greenway is actually working with the 2nd and 3rd teams in Minnesota. What's up with that?

    Rob Demovsky: Nik- For starters, Greenway is 6-2 1/2 and 242 pounds and ran a 4.78 40, while Hodge measured 6-0 3/8 236 pounds and ran a 4.81. But it was more than just that. Scouts though Hodge didn't shed blocks well enough and missed some open-field tackles. NFL people also questioned his ability to cover NFL running backs and people weren't sure what his best position was. Greenway, meanwhile, had cover ability and was an effective blizter. Greenway just had better skills coming out. That doesn't mean Hodge won't end up being a better player.

    steve, mansfield,tx.: rob: whats up with farve no show?

    Rob Demovsky: Steve- I was told Favre was around the team's facility today but didn't practice. Could be just a day off, but I don't know for sure.


    Ben G., Tulsa, OK: Thanks for taking the questions, Rob. Reggie McKenzie seemed to do well in his interview with the Texans. After the interview, he opened his piehole to the media, and said that he'd still be dancing if the Packers drafted Super Mario instead of AJ Hawk, directly crossing TT's assertion that he preferred AJ over Mario. Then he trumpeted that he was the best man for the job, basically demonstrating that he wasn't the best man for the job. Has anyone in Packerland given a reasonable explanation of what he was thinking? Did he really intend on upsetting his current boss and potential future boss at the same time? Was this his way staying in GB by poison pilling his successful interview?

    Rob Demovsky: Ben- I didn't necessarily take those comments that way. I took it like this: he was asked about Mario Williams and he answered honestly, like most everyone would, that Williams was the best defensive player in the draft. Even Ted Thompson would probably conceed that. Certainly Thompson said he liked Hawk all along because he surely knew Williams would be gone. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't see much, if anything, wrong with what McKenzie said. The NFL is a big-boy league and if A.J. Hawk is bothered by what McKenzie said, then the Packers have a problem on their hands -- the problem being that Hawk isn't the tough SOB they thought he was.


    Tony Gerlach, Pheonix, AZ: Rob- I was really happy to see that Dorsey Levens signed the one-day contract to retire as a Packer. In this NFL era we all know that there is hardly any loyalty between players and teams, but I always had the impression that Levens was a really good guy and easy to root for. What will you remember about Levens from you insiders perspective?

    Rob Demovsky: Tony- Levens had one of the greatest seasons ever by a Packers' running back in 1997. That was my first season covering the NFL, and it wasn't until the next year when Levens got hurt that I could truly understand how dominant he was -- and what it meant to a football team to have an unstoppable running game.


    Andrew, Chicago: Demo, I heard a rumor that the Pack really likes Marviel Underwood at the SS position and he might be the starter over Manuel come week 1. Have you heard anything about that and who do you think will back up Nick Collins? I know we drafted Tyrone Culver but I heard Tra Boger has been a stand out at mini camps and OTA's. Thanks!

    Rob Demovsky: Andrew- Underwood didn't work with the No. 1 defense at all during the minicamps when Manuel was out and he didn't during the OTA today when Mark Roman was in for Manuel. It's always possible that could change, but I'll go by what I've seen and so far Underwood hasn't been with the starters. It's possible Underwood could end up being the No. 3 safety if Roman doesn't make it.


    scott goddard, advance, nc: Is bob harlan a reluctant retiree, or was he ready to step down? I know of the mandatory retirement age of 70, but does he regret actually having to step down. Can the retirement age ever be changed? I believe harlan to be one of the greatest and infuential people in Packer history. Your thoughts and thanks for the chat.

    Rob Demovsky: Scott- Don't know if Harlan is a reluctant retiree, but he clearly has accepted the fact that the by-laws of the team state that he must do so in 2007. Not sure about the possibility for change but I will ask around.


    Craig, Cedar Rapids: Why has the Press Gazette been so AWOL on covering the minicamps and the OTA's? There's been hardly any info. Why do they have a "Premium" site anyway when there's no coverage of the Packers?

    Rob Demovsky: Craig- I don't know you're looking at but we're doing at least a story and a notebook every day from the OTAs. Some days we've had two stories and a notebook. For example, on Saturday we had a story about the punters, a story about the kickers and a notebook. If you're having trouble navigating the website, email the webmaster and hopefully we can help you.


    gene, chicago: DETROIT PAID VERBA $4 MILLION ?????? Beightol must really like the guy. Do you see GB going after any other veteran on the street OL?

    Rob Demovsky: Gene- The way I heard it was Detroit gave Verba about a $2 million signing bonus and a salary of about $1 million. Still, that's a lot of jing for a guy who didn't play football all of last year. I can't imagine there's anybody out there still who's worth a darn, but I don't have the list of available players in front of me right now.


    Roy, Lacrosse, WI: Did defensive coach Jim Bates hook on with any NFL or college team, or are the Packers still paying his salary?

    Rob Demovsky: Roy- Bates is out of football and I believe he and the Packers came to sort of an agreement on a settlement.


    Frank Miller, Cudahy WI: Rob There is a lot of internet chatter about all the vet no shows at the OTA's, some national sites are even proclaiming doom for the Packers based on the absences. How important are these OTA's? Also are the absences due to a lack of control by Coach Mac or is the way he scheduled them contributing to the problem?

    Rob Demovsky: Frank- It does seem there are more absences this year than in years past, although reporters were always allowed in all of the OTA sessions in previous years so it might be comparing apples to oranges. At the very least, it makes me wonder if McCarthy has earned the respect of the players or if they fear him. However, scheduling could be an issue as well. McCarthy got a late start and it's possible players could have had previous plans before he was hired. However, since I've been covering this team there always has been some sort of minicamp or workout session in early June. So players should have known.


    steve, Belleville, WI: Thanks for taking my question. I'm wondering if there are any realistic dark-horse candidates at running back. I have my doubts that both Najeh Davenport and Ahman Green will return with 100 percent oftheir pre-injury abilities. If true, is there anyone on the roster that would be a servicable alternative, or will we be looking for the next Gado on the waiver wires ?

    Rob Demovsky: Steve- Certainly, Gado will be next in line. Heck, he might even be ahead of Davenport and possibly Green, depending on how they look. He's a long-shot, but Arliss Beach, the undrafted rookie free agent from Kentucky, looked good before he pulled a hamstring in the last minicamp.


    steve, mansfield,tx.: rob: whats your take on green and davenports rehabs coming? the packers could be in big trouble.

    Rob Demovsky: Steve- They both say they're on schedule or ahead of schedule, but I never believe players when they talk about their own rehab. I've never heard a guy say he's behind schedule, yet many are. I'll believe they're back when I see it with my own eyes.


    John, Lancaster, PA: Is it true that McCarthy scolded a reporter in front of everyone? If so, how did that go over among the beat reporters?

    Rob Demovsky: John- I don't know for sure if McCarthy "scolded" a reporter, but it wouldn't surprise me. Reporters and coaches clash all the time. I once had a coach call me "a disgrace to my profession." So what? If McCarthy did scold a reporter, my reaction is this: If someone wrote something that bothered him, he better get used to it. That's part of the business. We're not there to be his P.R. person or his cheerleader. We're there to serve our readers.

    Kimberly, Sheboygan, Wi: Rob, in the earlier post about Brett not at pratice today Drew Smith said he spotted Brett at Oneida Golf course. My question is how did the rookie o-lineemen do in pratice today?

    Rob Demovsky: Kimberly- Brett is a member at Oneida Golf and Country Club, so that's possible. It's hard to judge offensive linemen in these workouts because they're not in pads. I'll reserve judgement until training camp.


    Matt, Bath, PA: I think Ted Thompson has done some good things in the draft and free agency, but I'm still worried about our pass rush and o-line. Will Kampman continue to improve as a pass rusher? Will KGB continue to decline? Is there a guy on the D-line with the ability to emerge as a solid or star player (I'm not sure if I see one)? Who is in the running for the starting guard spots other than Colledge, Coston and Spitz? Will two of those three be better than Whittaker/Klemm/Ruegamer from last year? Thanks for your time.

    Rob Demovsky: Matt- Kampman has improved every year and he doesn't strike me as the kind of guy who would tank it after getting a big contract, but you never know. KGB got exposed against the run last year, but I don't know if new defensive coordinator Bob Sanders plans to reduce his role. I'm curious to see if Ryan Pickett will be a star on the D-line or just another big body. As for the guard spots, I think it will come down to those three for the two spots.


    Andy, Hastings, MN: Hey Rob- Which, if any, of the no-shows at OTAs bothers you most? Carroll's lack of anything resembling a pro is to be expected. Woodson's been in the league a long time, as has Harris. I guess I'm disappointed in Pickett's absence because not only is he new to the team, but we've had a miserable time with players along the D-line for several years now, and it would be nice to get someone who was going to work their tail off and show some leadership. Of course, the fat guys don't volunteer any extra time to workouts I suppose.

    Rob Demovsky: Andy- I think you're right on about Carroll. An old coach once told me "there are guys who get it, and there are guys who don't get it." To me, Carroll is not a guy who gets it.

    Steve, Lincoln, NE: Rob -- Does anything aboout the O-line stand out presently, or the new zone blocking scheme? And any sense how Ahman Green has been with this new scheme?

    Rob Demovsky: Steve- Green has been so limited because of the rehab from his injury that he's taken part in only a handful of half-speed drills. As for the zone blocking, when it's executed correctly, it's easy to see how it works. The best view of it is from the end zone and you can see how holes open up.


    Jeff, Minneapolis: A few years ago, Chris Johnson came into Packers minicamps and looked like he could be the best cornerback anyone had ever seen. But he got injured and then never developed. Last year Mike Hawkins was being compared to Deion Sanders, but got injured and never has developed into anything more than a very raw cornerback who might never master the position. This year Will Blackmon came in and looked great until he got injured. Is it just coincidence that the Packers keep coming up with young cornerbacks that flash incredible promise at first but quickly get injured and then never show anything near the same potential again? Or is there something about minicamps that make young cornerbacks look better than they actually are?

    Rob Demovsky: Jeff- I'd like to know who said Chris Johnson was the best cornerback they'd ever seen or who compared Mike Hawkins to Deion Sanders. Both were late-round picks who were projects. They had potential because they were speed guys, but that doesn't mean they can cover. I think there may be something to the fact that speed corners can look good during minicamp practices in shorts, but the real test is when the pads go on. As for Blackmon, I'll say this about the guy: He has a better understanding for how to play the ball than Ahmad Carroll did or does today. That might not be saying much, but I liked what I saw from Blackmon before he got hurt.


    Rick, Louisville, KY: Do you think the Packers would have drafted Hawk had they signed Arrington?

    Rob Demovsky: Rick- I have no way of knowing for sure. I'd only be guessing because I've never asked anyone that question. But if I had to guess, I'd say yes they still would have. Arrington might have helped for a couple of years, but they view Hawk as a franchise-type, long-term starter.

    Robert, McKinney: Who is looking really good in the practices? When will Hawk arrive? Any interest from the Packers in Brooks the LB in the supplemental draft?

    Rob Demovsky: Robert- I believe Hawk is scheduled to arrive this week either Thursday or Friday. As for who looks good, that's an unfair question at this point because they're not in pads. But if you one name, totally off the top of my head, I'll say receiver Ruvell Martin. He's a long-shot to make the team, but he's made some plays. I can't see the Packers making a move for a linebacker given that they drafted Hawk and Hodge.

    Steve, South Bend, IN: Rob, that's all we've heard about is there were 14 "no-shows" at the OTA's. What is the status of the so-called play-off teams attendance? The National media (Sirius-NFL radio) has made it look like coach McCarthy is a cream puff. Also, would you have liked the pack to sign Verba to a one year deal?

    Rob Demovsky: Steve- Good question about league-wide OTA attendance. I'm not sure I can answer that because somewhere around half the teams don't make the OTAs open to reporters. As for Verba, some in the organization felt he wouldn't be the greatest guy to have in your locker room. Personally, I thought Verba was a wing nut, but I got a kick out of him.


    John, Lancaster, PA: Will the United States get out of their group in the World Cup? Whoops, wrong chat sorry!

    Rob Demovsky: What's the World Cup? Just kidding.

    Kimberly, Sheboygan, Wi: when do you think Andrew Brandt will start working on the rookies and their contracts?

    Rob Demovsky: Kimberly- With 12 draft picks to sign, my guess is Brandt is already working on them but don't expect Hawk's deal to be done any time soon. Negotiations with high first-round picks and tough and it wouldn't surprise me to see that deal take a while to get done.


    Rob Demovsky: Steve- There never was a retirement ceremony and as far as I know, Levens was never even in town. The Packers also never put out any kind of official notice about it. It was simply on the NFL's daily transaction report.

    Matt, Bath, PA: Do you get to cover the minicamps at all? Does the team look like a better team than last year? I don't want to hear Ron Wolf saying how we are fielding guys who can't make NFL Europe teams.

    Rob Demovsky: Matt- I was at every minicamp practice and all but one of the OTAs so far. I'm taking next week off, but Pete Dougherty will be back for those practices. So yes, I've seen almost everything there is for reporters to see. This is the start of my 10th season covering the NFL, and I can't honestly say I can tell how a team is going to do based on minicamp practices or sometimes even training camp practices. Anyone in my business who claims they can are either full of it or know so much they should be working for an NFL team.

  2. #2

    Re: GB Press Gazette Chat - Rob Demovsky

    Quote Originally Posted by motife
    asked about Mario Williams and he answered honestly, like most everyone would, that Williams was the best defensive player in the draft. Even Ted Thompson would probably conceed that. Certainly Thompson said he liked Hawk all along because he surely knew Williams would be gone.
    Defensive ends are at much more of a premium than linebackers. It doesn't mean much that Williams got drafted first.

  3. #3

    Re: GB Press Gazette Chat - Rob Demovsky

    Quote Originally Posted by motife
    Underwood didn't work with the No. 1 defense at all during the minicamps when Manuel was out and he didn't during the OTA today when Mark Roman was in for Manuel. It's always possible that could change, but I'll go by what I've seen and so far Underwood hasn't been with the starters. It's possible Underwood could end up being the No. 3 safety if Roman doesn't make it.
    Underwood needs to be a demon on special teams, or I think he is will not make the roster at all.

  4. #4
    Senior Rat Veteran hurleyfan's Avatar
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    Underwood was a longshot last year right? Kind'a small, but a real specimen the Packer brass wants to give a shot to correct?
    My Two favorite teams are the Packers, and whoever plays the Vikings!

  5. #5
    I thought Underwood looked small and clumsy. A teletubby with no football instincts. I was really unimpressed.

    Ummm, I try and give players a clean slate every year. They must have had a good reason for drafting him day 1; Maybe he'll make a big first year jump.

  6. #6
    Rat Starter bigcoz75's Avatar
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    Unfortunately the only "highlight" I can remember of Underwood last year is when he got carried for like 30 yards by a guy he was trying to take down.

  7. #7
    wasn't that Roman who went for a ride. I believe it was against carolina.

  8. #8
    Fact Rat HOFer Patler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Collapse
    wasn't that Roman who went for a ride. I believe it was against carolina.
    I'm quite sure it was Little.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by shamrockfan
    Quote Originally Posted by Collapse
    wasn't that Roman who went for a ride. I believe it was against carolina.
    I'm quite sure it was Little.
    Correct, it was Earl.

  10. #10
    Anti Homer Rat HOFer Bretsky's Avatar
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    A WARM welcome to Collapse and Packiowa


  11. #11
    More love for the Super one!
    Pass Jessica's Law and keep the predators behind bars for 25 years minimum. Vote out liberal, SP judges. Enforce all immigrant laws!

  12. #12
    El Jardinero Rat HOFer MadtownPacker's Avatar
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    Welcome to PR Collapse and Packiowa.

    Bigcoz, you still aint got an avatar? PM or email me if you need it hooked up.

    Forget Pickett, Kampman is the leader of the D. He has earned it the last couple of years. Pickett should at least show up to shake hands.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Collapse
    wasn't that Roman who went for a ride. I believe it was against carolina.
    No, it was Earl Little. He went on IR shortly thereafter, then was cut.

  14. #14
    Moose Rat HOFer woodbuck27's Avatar
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    Well that Rob Demovsky Chat was inspiring,yaawwwwnnnn.

    How are we going to make it through to TC, about 8 weeks away? It's a real challenge for a football fan to do that, following the excitement leading up to the draft.

    I would hope that a chat like that would spin off some good stuff on at least 4-6 of the new fellas but NOT. Instead, the BEST we got was :

    "As for Blackmon, I'll say this about the guy: He has a better understanding for how to play the ball than Ahmad Carroll did or does today. That might not be saying much, but I liked what I saw from Blackmon before he got hurt." Rob Demovsky

    before he got hurt ??? Anyone. What exactly was the extent of that injury?

    and, , ,

    " As for who looks good, that's an unfair question at this point because they're not in pads. But if you one name, totally off the top of my head, I'll say receiver Ruvell Martin. He's a long-shot to make the team, but he's made some plays. " Rob Demovsky

    "He's a long - shot to make the team". . . . jeeesssshhhhh

    Why not just . . this young man is stepping up and may forlay the likes of Rod Gardner and Robert Ferguson. He had a solid campaign in NFLE and has the experience,height ,hands ,can run routes and the savvy to step in fron of any Prima Donna wanna be WR's.
    ** Since 2006 3 X Pro Pickem' Champion; 4 X Runner-Up and 3 X 3rd place.
    ** To download Jesus Loves Me ring tones, you'll need a cell phone mame
    ** If God doesn't fish, play poker or pull for " the Packers ", exactly what does HE do with his buds?
    ** Rather than love, money or fame - give me TRUTH: Henry D. Thoreau

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by falco
    Quote Originally Posted by Collapse
    wasn't that Roman who went for a ride. I believe it was against carolina.
    No, it was Earl Little. He went on IR shortly thereafter, then was cut.
    Oops, should have hit refresh before I posted.

  16. #16
    Lunatic Rat HOFer RashanGary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shamrockfan

    I'm quite sure it was Little.
    OMG that was horrible.

    I'm happy with Collins/Manuel, Roman/Underwood. I see no reason to cut Roman at this point. He's making peanuts and I thought he was quite a bit better than Little or Underwood, so he'd make the backup safty spot pretty solid.

    Safty is a tough position to learn. Collins got the luxery of playing a dumbed down position. I don't think Underwood got that same luxery. He could have been doing a whole lot of thinking.

    He seems to be a hard worker. If he has a bad year this year, I'll start doubting him. As of now, It's just like any other young guy who hasn't had a chance to fully absorb what is going on.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by packiowa
    Correct, it was Earl.
    Remember that name. You know that "Earl Little" is going to be the answer to Packer trivia questions (expert edition) in the future. Along with Arturo Freeman, Adrian Klemm, and Matt O'Dwyer.

  18. #18
    I'm with Harlan. Underwood smells like Marques Anderson to me. The Ben G. fella in the chat sounds like me--talking about Reggie McKenzie's comments. I guessed it rubbed another person wrong--like it did to me.

  19. #19
    ? HOFer
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    Ehh let's not get into that just yet
    HH, not to nitpick but I believe Underwood was a 4th round choice. I think he has a shot. Plus he likes to hit, so I like that. I'm willing to give him another year

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by woodbuck27
    Well that Rob Demovsky Chat was

    "As for Blackmon, I'll say this about the guy: He has a better understanding for how to play the ball than Ahmad Carroll did or does today. That might not be saying much, but I liked what I saw from Blackmon before he got hurt." Rob Demovsky

    before he got hurt ??? Anyone. What exactly was the extent of that injury?
    he broke a bone in his foot, i don't think its serious though. in fact i think i read where he might be back in time for TC

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