Quote Originally Posted by GrnBay007
Quote Originally Posted by packinpatland
Thanks GBR...................he still looks pretty good.
"Pretty good" ??
I'll take your pretty good and raise you 10....lol

At first I was really bewildered/hurt by all the Favre bashing I would read before/during/after the trade. To thousands of Packer fans the guy was gold for years and it seemed heartless and cold to me to see some turn their backs on him. Not those that were just ok with moving on and knew it had to happen at some point, but those that attack him relentlessly and try to pretend what he did for the Packer organization over the years meant nothing. Pointing out his flaws, rather than appreciating what he brought to Green Bay. I believe some of those are just plain old assholes and don't really "get it". I believe others, although they may not admit it, are just angry. They are angry that "our" Brett Favre is playing for another team. Nobody EVER thought that would happen. I suppose I could understand some anger if he was playing for an NFC team, but he's not. Some people really need to let it go....be happy reliving the Favre era and the fact he largely contributed to the Packers being a winning organization for years and years. Cherish the memories of games that other QB's would not have won. Hold close to your hearts him going out on that field after his Father passed and giving us the performance of a lifetime.

When I read posts from people downplaying what Brett Favre meant to the Green Bay Packers over the last 16 years and doing nothing but bashing him now, I can only think of one thing....you may be a football fan, but you are surely not a Green Bay Packer fan. To not appreciate everything that man gave to the Packers is just plain old idiotic. If some people post this type of thing in anger, maybe it's time to look inside...let go of the anger, it's not healthy!!

I will always be a Packer fan, but I will still always be a Brett Favre fan as well. I'm wishing the best for him with the Jets!!! Go Packers, Go Brett, Go Jets!!!!
what do you call this? I call it crap. and why don't you stop lecturing people on the other side of the argument? MOVE ON. Most people are sick of it.