As I've been saying, it’s NOT up to Brett Favre to decide on retirement. Favre can still play the game at a high level, and everyone in the NFL knows he's still a top 5 qb. Football-wise, Favre's fate lies in Thompson's hands. If Thompson upgrades the Pack, Favre returns; if Polar Bear doesn't, he is the one forcing Favre into retirement. Thus far, it looks like Thompson is forcing Favre to retire. Thompson should be grateful that Favre hasn’t call it quit yet; as long as there isn’t an official announcement, there's always the hope of a Favre return. Obviously, Pack are a better team with Favre,

People like Bulldog, Collins, NutRoll, and sometime Harlan like to say the Packers don’t owe Favre anything. I disagree. Maybe things might change 20 years from now but RIGHT NOW Brett Favre is bigger than the Packer. Brett Favre is the Packer. The Packers owes it to Favre to field a competitive team. You would argue that the Packers have reimbursed Favre millions of dollars for his service, and therefore owe him nothing. The truth is that is only a small percentage compared to the revenue Favre generated for the team. Favre is instrumental in helping the Packers reach the financial prosperity they are experiencing today. Brett Favre deserves to go out a winner.

In sum, the legend is tempting retirement not because he can no longer play the game, but because the Polar Bear is forcing him to do so.

Ted Thompson is inconsistent, incompetent, inactive, incapable and a Polar Bear.