Quote Originally Posted by MJZiggy
Hmmm. He's carrying viagra off to the DRep. with him. Would it have been a LARGE bottle perhaps? I don't think this was a business trip (at least I HOPE not )

I saw the same irony. He was worried this particular script woud attract attention so he puts it in his doc's name which is what attracted attention. Classic.

Here's what Rush had to say about it. No idea if its credible or not:

As I say, I have risen above it all each and every time. I'm just a private citizen in this circumstance coming back into the country. Mine was the only luggage searched that day, from what I'm told, at Customs. If my name had been Valerie Plame I would guarantee you this story would have been written differently and it would have read differently and there would be all kinds of, "Who in the government is leaking the identity and the details of this? He is an average, ordinary, common citizen," blah, blah, blah. But of course that's not the angle with me, which I fully understand. Now, there's so many aspects of this story, and this is understandable. I can understand how people would assume incorrect things because it's a quite natural thing to do.

A week ago Monday, I get back from three days, two-and-a-half days, in the Dominican Republic, and most of the time spent touring cigar factories and cigar farms. I had this bottle of Viagra in my briefcase. I've had it in there since December. I forgot it was even in there. There were 30 pills prescribed, and when they counted them out, there were 29 -- and yet, everybody thinks I loaded up on the stuff for a trip to the Dominican Republic, and that's what everybody was saying. "Wow, what went on in the Dominican Republic? Oh! (muttering)." In fact, when I cleared Customs there was this... I'm going to be very restrained in describing the agent but... I'll save that for another time. Anyway, I pointed out I have a briefcase that's got many different zippers. It's not a top that closes over a bottom. It's this thing that stands up; it's got side pockets and all that, and I opened the primary compartment where most of the things in the briefcase are, just to be cooperative, and she reaches in there, pulls out this bottle, says, "What have we here?" There are twenty-five people in the room. "What have we here? Viagra!" she shouts, "and look, it's not your name on the bottle! This is a crime! This is a violation of law!"

She's shouting this all over the Customs Office, and the whole room has come to a dead stop, and she races behind some closed door to her supervisor. The supervisor comes out and asks, "How many other prescriptions do you have, sir?"

"I've got two."

"They have your name on it?"


"What are they?"

"Look at 'em."

He said, "Well, what's this?"

I said, "I had an intestinal blockage in December. They're for that."

You can read the whole transcript here if you're interested:
