First off, I agree with everything MJ has said up to this point.

Secondly, I agree Harlan likes to argue and play devils advocate. But to argue she is ready is unsupported crap.

Third, we don't know for sure whether Mazzin is ready, but every ounce of common sense would dictate that she probably is not.

She was elated when the bullet was once again dodged and she still seemed to have a bit of the attitude that she doesn't need to modify her actions to avoid this happening again. Maybe that will change with some considerations in here and with time.

Since she was happier the day wasn't now, she didn't really want it to happen and that alone tells me she's not ready.

She's 18 and not married (and if you try to argue that single moms do fine I'll say no shit, but there aren't many mentally ready at 18) and that alone tells me the time is not right.