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Thread: GB Press Gazette Chat Monday

  1. #1

    GB Press Gazette Chat Monday

    Well, after Saturday's debacle in Mississippi, I'm sure there are a ton of questions or rants that you all may have. There's already a ton of questions in, so I'll start the chat early. Fire away...


    Jan Man, Phoenix, Az.: Hey Dylan..imagine yourself at you own job...working for going on 16 years and you have been tops in field for many years...could still do your job very well...but all of a sudden your supporting cast is cut away, your implementing a new program with a bunch of young employee's and you know you just got pounded last year and came off your worse team season ever...yet nothing really had been done to help your goal....TO WIN>>>>>!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dylan I have no problem why Farve is waiting and I'd wish the media, and fans would start pounding T.Thompson to use a balanced approach, (F.A. & Draft) to put in putting together a winning team. What really surprises me is Thompson was around when Wolf used his balanced approach and wasn't a tight as*. But Thompson is been passive, impotent in trying to meet the many,many needs the Packers is very frustrating and I don't blame Brett one bit.

    Dylan Tomlinson: Remember when Favre's presence alone made a team a contender? I know it seems like a long time ago, especially after he was so horrendous last season. Favre wants to play for a contender? Then he should announce his intentions to return now and then make sure he goes to all of the mini-camps and off-season workouts. None of this crap that Sherman let him get away with. He should commit himself to the team and make sure he knows the offense, so he doesn't throw 29 interceptions next season. I do blame him for waiting this long. It's beyond ridiculous. Retire or don't, just make a decision.


    scott goddard, advance, nc: Why are the Packers expected to be terrible next season? Their defense was improved last season, and already have brought in 3 new starters? Is it because these players aren't the "big name free agents"? My question is this, If Favre returns, why couldn't they compete for the playoffs? They would have the best qb in the division, hands down, and an improving defense. or am I stuck in a fantasy? What are your thoughts for 2006?

    Dylan Tomlinson: You're right that anything can happen. After all, at the beginning of last season people were talking about the Vikings, Lions and Packers and no one gave any chance to the Bears winning the Division. I wouldn't pick the Packers to make the playoffs, but stranger things happen in the NFL every season.


    Peter, Othello WA: Hello Dylan, Thanks for taking questions. Mine is more of a statment and I think I speak for a lot of fans when I say that I am sick and tired of the Farve act. Maybe Chumra is right about Brett's "me first" attitude. How selfish! How immature is it to say "I want to play only if I can win". He has been paid like royalty, and treated like it as well, to play a GAME. Does he have any idea what it takes out here in the real world to make $100,000 at year, much less 10 million. Well let me tell you, Bett has done his legacy more damage in the last 2 months than any 29 interceptions ever did. I say, it is time to move on with the guys that want to play. Thnaks

    Dylan Tomlinson: With Chmura, you have to consider the source, but I thought he made several interesting points. I don't think any player in the NFL should be allowed to do what Favre is doing to the Packers and while I'm not saying he's selfish, he certainly looks that way by his recent actions.


    Bill Lamke, Chicago: Dylan, Thanks for the chat. It was reported that Troy Aikman saidthat if Favre retires, league rumor is that Green Bay will take a QB with the top choice. If that is true then Thompson made a huge mistake last year drafting Rodgers. Of course it may not be true or may be a smokescreen but how can you draft a QB 2 years in a row when you need virtually everything else and you really haven't given rodgers a chance to see if he can play. Could it be that obvious to the personel people that Rodgers isn't the guy this early? I would think he would be given a year to see before going another direction.

    Dylan Tomlinson: I could see it happening, especially if Mario Williams is gone. Personally, I think the Packers will do everything they can to trade the pick if Williams is gone. But if they keep it, they may very well decide that Vince Young is the best player available. I don't think that would be a knock at Rodgers. It's absurd to call anyone a disappointment after one season and no one with the Packers would say that. But Thompson has been adamant that he will take the best player available and that could wind up being a QB.


    Dale, South Elgin, IL: Do you rule out taking a QB with the first pick if Favre retires before the draft?

    Dylan Tomlinson: I don't rule anything out. I think that if Williams is there, they'll take him. Beyond that, I think Ferguson, Huff, Cutler, Young, Ngata and Hawk are all possibilities. So is trading down.


    Patrick Fuller, Edmond, OK: Hey DT - thanks for your "innocent until proven guilty", I think Favre is "retired until we hear otherwise". Havel probably has good as access to off the record information regarding Favre as anyone, so unless something uncharacteristic happens - Arrington & Woodson sign; the Packers acquire Jeff Faine from Cleveland, and Javon Walker is suddenly resigned to a lucrative, long term deal, Favre is done. Because none of those things will happen. Ultimately, do you feel Ted Thompson will be remembered for: a) not having the manhood to directly tell Favre they want to go in a different direction, one that doesn't include him; b) the guy that pushed Favre out of football; c) the guy who made tough, shrewd decisions to protect GB from another quarter century dark period, and rebuilt a super-bowl caliber team?

    Dylan Tomlinson: I disagree. I think Favre won't be able to walk away from the money. I also think he cares more about Marino's record then he's willing to admit. If Favre was going to retire, he would have done so by now.


    Jobu, Madison: Who exactly is Favre hoping that we will sign now? Last I checked, Reggie White's equivalent was not still available.

    Dylan Tomlinson: There was a rumor out there that Favre told Thompson that he wanted the Packers to sign Terrell Owens. Well, that was never going to happen. I think Ashley Lelie would be a nice addition. I think whoever they take at No. 5 will make a big impact next season, unless they take a QB, which I think is doubtful. Woodson would be a nice addition as well.


    Dale, South Elgin, IL: Why to you think TT is so reluctant/indecisive in signing free agents. Is the organization trying to save money?

    Dylan Tomlinson: I know I'm in the minority, but I like Thompson's moves. Pickett should be an upgrade over Grady. Manuel will be an upgrade over Roman. Gardner will be an upgrade over Robert Ferguson. Anyone they sign will be an upgrade over Antonio Chatman. I think they'll add a couple offensive linemen later in the free agency game. What people forget is that a lot of the big money free agents that are signed are usually cut just a few years into their contracts and their teams take huge cap hits later. Honestly, if there's a move that Thompson has made that I didn't like it was I thought he dramatically overpaid to keep Kampman.


    Dale, South Elgin, IL: How do you see the Walker situation playing out. Would the Broncos offer one of their late first round picks for Walker and would TT grab it.

    Dylan Tomlinson: I think if a team offered a No. 1 for Walker, I think the Packers would take it in a second. Maybe they can make a bigger deal with Denver by trading Walker for Lelie and a first day pick. I'll be surprised if Walker ever plays for the Packers again, but I would love it if Thompson didn't trade him and forced him to play.


    David, Univ.Hts. OH: Dylan-- thanks for the chat. what's up with woodson? do the packers still have a chance to sign him? secondly, if (when) favre retires, what veteran qb do you think will be brought in? thanks.

    Dylan Tomlinson: I think Woodson will wind up in Tampa, but until that happens, the Packers appear to still be in the chase. Woodson't agent is known for being really difficult to deazl with, so maybe that's holding it up or maybe they're unwilling to admit that Woodson isn't worth anything close to the kind of $$$ that he got in Oakland the last two years... I'm not toow worried about QB. First, I think Favre will play and if he doesn't, they're will be a Kerry Collins or a Jay Fiedler type that they could bring in.


    GaryM, Muskego,WI: Dylan, Let's say Favre does retire and the Packers go 2-14 next year with between $20 and 30 million of open cap space. Does Tightwad Teddy start to feel some pressure? I've never heard him voice the same passion for winning that Ron Wolf always talked about.

    Dylan Tomlinson: I think you all are dramatically underestimating Thompson's abilities as a GM. Last year he was in a tough situation because of the idiotic moves Sherman made as GM. While some of Thompson's moves didn't work out, they were low risk moves. He signed Green and Davenport for next to nothing. I think people need to step back and let Ted work. I think they'll be very surprised with the end result. Keep in mind what Teddy did in Seattle.


    cecil, Il: Dylan, If the packers don't sign Woodson, is there interest in Ty Law for the right price. I think he would be an upgrade over Carroll.

    Dylan Tomlinson: Isn't anybody an upgrade over Carroll? I don't think Law is the right fit here. Woodson would be a very good acquisition if they get him for the right price.


    Cecil, IL: Dylan, It sounded like Favre wanted the Packers to sign a wr and two guards, which they haven't done. With the top free agents gone, why don't they sign Teague from Buffalo, He's played every position on the line and was in the same system in Denver.

    Dylan Tomlinson: If Favre wanted a top receiver, he shouldn't have thrown Walker under the bus before last season. If Favre has to play this season without a top receiver, it's his own fault.


    gene, chicago: Len Pasquarelli from ESPN says that Vince Young would definitely get consideration at #5 from GB, if available. Is this a smokescreen?

    Dylan Tomlinson: I think it's a smokescreen. I think the Packers would be interested in swapping picks with Oakland, which is known to covet Young. The Packers could pick up a pick or two, move back two spots and probably still get A.J. Hawk.


    Cecil, IL: Dylan, with the defense coming around, do the Packers have an interest in Davis with the 5th pick. Since they didn't get a top receiver, he could help open the offense up with his big quick body. What are your thoughts.

    Dylan Tomlinson: That would be an interesting move. I think it's too high to take a WR or a TE, but Davis is definitely a rare talent. I don't think they take him, at least not at No. 5.


    Chris, Iron Mtn, MI: Any new rumors on Javon Walker i.e. a trade with Denver, or a draft-day deal perhaps?

    Dylan Tomlinson: I've heard Houston and Denver are interested. I have no idea what's being offered. I have a feeling something will get done with Denver.


    Martin, Oxford, UK: If Brett does come back for just one year, its probably fair to assume they wont be much better than last year, however it would give the Packers another year to prepare Rodgers, would this benefit them in the long run ?

    Dylan Tomlinson: I think Rodgers would benefit from another year. If the Packers can stay healthy, I think they could be better than last season. How much better? I don't know... They might be able to go 8-8 or so...


    Reece, Sanford, Fl: I have seen the great Bart Starr fail after the glory years ( 40-0 beating by the Lions AT Lambeau) and I believe he retired the next year. As much as I love the personna of Farve, I think it is time for him to retire. Even if the Packers are bad this season, there is always "Next Year". Your thoughts.

    Dylan Tomlinson: I agree. I think he should retire. I also think he should have done it about a day after that interview with Mortensen in February.


    George, Downers Grove: During the fill time on NFL Network Saturday morning, Adam Schefter said Favre's retirement would be the biggest story of the offseason. Do you agree? I think Dallas giving Owens all that money is the story. That guy is such a talent but at the point where his age, injury risk and attitude make it a huge gamble for the Cowboys to bring him in. Cannot wait to see he and Bledsoe throw down!

    Dylan Tomlinson: I agree with Schefter. Favre's retirement talk is the biggest story of the off-season. Owens deal in Dallas would be a close second.


    GaryM, Muskego,WI: Dylan, What do you think of Mike McCarthy so far? Even though he hasn't coached a game does he seem more like Holmgren, Sherman or Rhodes?

    Dylan Tomlinson: I think he's better than Sherman. Of course, I would say that about almost any coach on this planet. I think he'll be fine. I'm not prepared to compare him to Holmgren quite yet. He'll be an upgrade over Sherman.


    Dick H, Muncie, IN: Favre wants to play but only if team has chance of winning. Has stated that he only wants to play for the Packers. Do you believe that to be the case? I believe Favre does not want to face the media and fan response of coming out and saying he wants to be traded to a contending team. Packers do not want to face fan backlash of trading/cutting him. If current situation goes on long enough the fans just won't care. Comment.

    Dylan Tomlinson: I think if Favre wanted to play elsewhere he would have done something a long time ago. Also, no other team can pay him what he'll get in GB. I think Favre is setting himself up so if he plays and the Packers do well, he gets all of the credit. If they go 4-12, they'll blame Thompson. It's childish and absurd.


    Tshirtpro, Carmichael, CA: Dylan, I say Good Bye Favre, lets trade Walker for J.P. Losman and a 3rd round pick, What say you?

    Dylan Tomlinson: I think Rodgers will be better than Losman. I'll be very curious what they get for Walker if they trade him. I think they need to get a pick and a player.


    Cecil, IL: Dylan, why is it that Favre "Throws Walker under the bus", walker cries about it, but when Brett said the Packers could win without Sharpe he didn't cry. What's up with that?

    Dylan Tomlinson: Favre stepped over the line when he criticized Walker last season. You just don't do that to a teammate.


    M. Young, Jersey: Johnny U left Baltimore, Joe Montana left San Fransico, Joe Willy left the Jets and all three of those teams are still in the NFL. To every season there comes a time and the time has come for Brett to leave Green Bay if not the NFL. Hey Ted say thanks for the memories we'll see you (or maybe not) when you come back when your number is retired and installed on the wall at Lambeau. By the way it's just a note, but Seatle didn't make it to the super bowl until Ted left and they added a couple of over priced free agents.

    Dylan Tomlinson: The only contender that needs an upgrade at QB is Tampa and I don't see that happening.


    Scott, Toronto, Ontario: Hey Dylan, Thanks for taking our questions. I thought one thing from Brett's presser was very telling. He said something to the effect that "when we signed Reggie, then we knew we were going to be good." From that statement, I took that Favre wants to come back, but wants at least one impact signing before he does. The problem really is, in my opinion, that guys like Reggie don't become free agents any more, and that looking at the free agent class this offseason, the only two guys who would have had that kind of impact were Brees (not likely to make Brett come back) and Hutchinson (no way would I pay $49 million for a guard). My question is this, would signing Woodson be enough to convince Brett to return and if you're TT, knowing that you probably have to overpay to get him, would you do it if it meant Brett would return?

    Dylan Tomlinson: I think the Packers could not make another move at all in free agency and Favre will still come back. Favre is setting himself up so no matter what happens next season no one will blame him if they go 4-12 again.


    Mad Dog, Texas: Dylan, I was coming home from the Texas NASCAR race aka "the biggest Redneck Fest in Texas and on one of the local radio radio sports talk show's they said Breet Favre had called another press conference yesterday afternoon to announce that he had had pancakes for breakfast with maple syrup and that he was going to have waffles on Monday and if there was any change to the menu, he'd call another press conference to let us know. Not counting you, but generally the media inside the Green Belt (100 miles from Green Bay) simply are unable to extract their lips from Brett Favres butt and cal this farce for what it is, but I can assure you that outside the Green Belt, Breet Favre has reduced himself to a national joke of sorts. I wish he would retire if for no reason, to stop the embarrassment he is bringing to himself. If he is concerened about legacy, he isn't helping himself. Do you think the Packers at least mentally are ready to move on past this circus even though they'd never say so publicly. I mean once a guy flakes out completely, even if he comes back you can't be confident of what you nare going to have. firstthis started out as do I want to play? Then it moved into his trying to call the personnel shots through press conferences, and along the way, he also made the statement he didn't know if he wanted the ball in his hands at crunch time. Favre has been one great player, but I for the first time actually think it is in the best interests of the Packers to move on and rebuild. This media circus and the entire handling of this deal by Favre is a joke and it'a clearly an undignified ending to the career, but the sloppy way he and his non english speaking agent will pass, but in the best interests of the team itself, are we not better off moving on at tsi point. Thompson has to be sick of this also as well as McCarthy. If this is his last year anyhow, it just seems like it's time to call it a day.

    Dylan Tomlinson: I agree that it's time for the Packers and Favre to part ways and I agree that this whole ordeal has been a complete farce. How difficult is it to make a decision? Just make one and live with it. What Favre has done is that if he retires now, he's essentially telling the world that he doesn't like the direction of the team. That will make life very difficult for Ted and McCarthy and that's not right. Both should be given ample opportunity to succeed and Favre hasn't helped matters one iota this off-season with the way he's acted.


    CH, Houston, TX: I am so sick of the negative slams on Brett for not making a decision yet. Bottom line...if MM and TT aren't demanding and answer now, and they have stated that as of now, it isn't effecting the team, why is everyone else so irritated? Brett has more than earned his right to give an answer when he is ready. If he is as "selfish" as some claim, then he must have gone through a complete personality change. Give me a break!

    Dylan Tomlinson: What are they supposed to say? They can't call Favre out. It is effecting the team and people around the organization are fed up. Just because they're not saying it publicly doesn't mean they're not upset by this whole ordeal.


    Nik, Eden Prairie, MN: Thanks again for taking this question. I heard that Ashley Lelie might be leaving the Broncos. How interested are we in getting him? He sounds like a pretty good deep threat. Thanks!

    Dylan Tomlinson: I think it would be a great addition. I don't think he's as good as a healthy Walker, but I think he's at least as good as Driver. If Walker is gone, Lelie would be a good move.


    Ben, Lexington, VA: My guess is that Mario Williams is gone by #5. The following may still be available: Matt Leinert, Vince Young, AJ Hawk, Vernon Davis or Hatati Ngota. Which would you take and why?

    Dylan Tomlinson: No way is Leinart available at No. 5. Of the others, I'd probably take Hawk. Vince Young scares me. I'd try to trade down.



    Dylan Tomlinson: Agree on all counts.


    JK, Madison, Wi/ Naples, Fl: Don't you think that many of us long time patrons/fans would prefer a 4-12 2006 record with A. Rodgers, the new system, new staff, & potential new enthusiasm different from having the Bret limp in, be not totally committed and finish 6-10? We are being laughed at on talk shows all over the country - it's over, get on with it.

    Dylan Tomlinson: That's a great point. You're not alone in thinking that the Packers might be better off just cutting the ties with Favre so they can get Aaron Rodgers some experience and move on. From what I see from Favre, I don't think he wants to play. I don't think his heart is in it. If it was, he'd have announced his intentions by now. I hate that he seems to want the Packers to beg him to come back. I still thinks Favre plays for the Packers next season, but I'm not convinced that they wouldn't be better off in the long run if he just retired.


    scott goddard, advance, nc: If Favre retires, who do you think the Packers will bring in to backup Rodgers, or if Rodgers is not ready, to start in 2006? Not much to choose from now.

    Dylan Tomlinson: I think if Favre had announced his intentions in March, when he should have, I think the Packers would have gone after Kitna to help tutor Rodgers. They could still get someone like Kerry Collins or maybe Jay Fielder to come in and work as a No. 2 or start while Rodgers continues to develop. Favre has done the team no favors this off-season. So if he retires, there will be a ton of pressure on Rodgers, who people need to remember, is still just 22. Rodgers will be a good QB in the NFL, I just don't know if he'll be ready for next season.

  2. #2
    I do agree that many in here quickly claiming that with this roster, when Brett once again plays like CRAP, most will say what did you expect Brett to do.

  3. #3
    Anti Homer Rat HOFer Bretsky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by b bulldog
    I do agree that many in here quickly claiming that with this roster, when Brett once again plays like CRAP, most will say what did you expect Brett to do.
    Well, our offensive line seems to still stink, but is not much worse. But if the RB's stay healthy and the WR's stay healthy, then I will hold Favre a lot more accountable.

    Face it Bull, a couple yahoos like (a youth football coach) and me (an ex High School defensive coach) could have designed NFL defense that would have shut the Packers down cold in the last half of the year with even average talent. Stop Driver and nobody else had a clue how to get open, and then stop the run. And normally if you had a decent tackle or NG, they could dominate GB.

    And that doesn't defend the stupididy Favre showed all too often, but I do think he needs the talent around him to succeed. Take away the interceptions and we just punt more........but if he stops taking chances we also take away a lot of passes he barely slips in.


  4. #4
    Agree B but some of these games could have easily been won by the Packers except for some dumbass throws(Bears,Bears,bengals,Lions when all were healthy), he is a has been WHO IS STAYING AROUND TO LONG!!!!!

  5. #5
    Anti Homer Rat HOFer Bretsky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by b bulldog
    Agree B but some of these games could have easily been won by the Packers except for some dumbass throws(Bears,Bears,bengals,Lions when all were healthy), he is a has been WHO IS STAYING AROUND TO LONG!!!!!
    I would agree with you if the talent was still not there Bull; but he still has the arm and he still has average speed. So it comes down to game preparation, and decision making. That can improve if the talent is still there. Don't you agree with this ?

    Marino was a guy who truly played a year too long. He could hardly throw the ball 40yds his last season. But ability wise you can't compare Marino's last two years with Favre now.

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