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Thread: (Senator?) Caroline Kennedy

  1. #61
    Which of her values do you share and what has she done in office that you admire?
    "Greatness is not an act... but a habit.Greatness is not an act... but a habit." -Greg Jennings

  2. #62
    Smart Ass Rat HOFer sheepshead's Avatar
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    Lombardi told Starr to "Run it, and let's get the hell out of here!" - 'Ice Bowl' December 31, 1967

  3. #63
    No inflammatory bias there...

    I'm sick of this argument. She lost. It's debatable that she may have cost McCain the election and (fact that you've conveniently forgotten) I've already given her props for getting elected in Alaska). It doesn't make her ready to be VP. You asked a question, I answered it and you've done everything you could think of to invalidate my answer. In order to do that, I'll need something more specific than she's the governor. You've even gone so far as to say that I'm against her belief in family. Bullshit. She can believe what she wants about family, but even in light of what happened, she has still suggested the desire to make her opinion on family public school policy. That's what set it off for me and it's gonna take one helluva trump card to change my view of her. Ronnie accomplished the task. Don't think Sarah will ever match him, but if she does, I may change my opinion of her. Until then, I have no reason to.
    "Greatness is not an act... but a habit.Greatness is not an act... but a habit." -Greg Jennings

  4. #64
    Digital Rat HOFer digitaldean's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MJZiggy
    I'll need something more specific than she's the governor.
    You can check out the list I compiled replying to you in the PR Gals thread. Many more people have become VP with less credentials.
    -digital dean

    No "TROLLS" allowed!

  5. #65
    Senior Rat Veteran TravisWilliams23's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MJZiggy
    I will take issue with those who suggest Kennedy's done NOTHING. She has done things (just try writing a book once)

    but to just call and say she'd like the seat and have it handed to her based solely on her last name would be irresponsible.
    John Grogan wrote Marley & Me. Great book. Doesn't qualify him to
    be considered a Senator. He's also written other books and has held a
    real job. But if I could vote between the him and Caroline, Grogan
    would get my vote because he has an idea of what us common folk go
    through on a daily basis. Can't say the same for Kennedy.

    I believe this is exactly what she has done. "Hello, I'm a Kennedy
    and want that NY Senate seat."

  6. #66
    Quote Originally Posted by digitaldean
    Quote Originally Posted by MJZiggy
    I'll need something more specific than she's the governor.
    You can check out the list I compiled replying to you in the PR Gals thread. Many more people have become VP with less credentials.
    It won't matter. Certain women have their (finger)nails out for Sarah Palin.

    There's an irrationality at work here. She's always be too this or too that. The bottom line is that she will never be accepted by them.

    It reminds me of office politics when female employees get a strong female boss. ( Sounds chauvinistic, but com'on, gals, 'fess up, you know it's the truth)

  7. #67
    Quote Originally Posted by sheepshead
    Not that it really matters, but your ^ reference says she was mayor for 10 years...........Palin served two three-year terms (1996–2002) as the mayor of Wasilla. I have to say, as comedy goes, that whole thing was pretty darn funny.

  8. #68
    Smart Ass Rat HOFer sheepshead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by packinpatland
    Quote Originally Posted by sheepshead
    Not that it really matters, but your ^ reference says she was mayor for 10 years...........Palin served two three-year terms (1996–2002) as the mayor of Wasilla. I have to say, as comedy goes, that whole thing was pretty darn funny.
    Yeah but the correct years are printed above that line. While there's an amount of sarcasm on that site, the Obama side is entirely accurate as far as I can see. Besides, where else are you gonna find a comparison like this?? MSNBC?

    bottom like Senator from NY are way too important, especially in these times, to hand them out to bored housewives.
    Lombardi told Starr to "Run it, and let's get the hell out of here!" - 'Ice Bowl' December 31, 1967

  9. #69
    Quote Originally Posted by TravisWilliams23
    Quote Originally Posted by MJZiggy
    I will take issue with those who suggest Kennedy's done NOTHING. She has done things (just try writing a book once)

    but to just call and say she'd like the seat and have it handed to her based solely on her last name would be irresponsible.
    John Grogan wrote Marley & Me. Great book. Doesn't qualify him to
    be considered a Senator. He's also written other books and has held a
    real job. But if I could vote between the him and Caroline, Grogan
    would get my vote because he has an idea of what us common folk go
    through on a daily basis. Can't say the same for Kennedy.

    I believe this is exactly what she has done. "Hello, I'm a Kennedy
    and want that NY Senate seat."
    Nice comparison. It'll be interesting to see what happens should the Clinton appointment be approved.
    "Greatness is not an act... but a habit.Greatness is not an act... but a habit." -Greg Jennings

  10. #70
    Smart Ass Rat HOFer sheepshead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MJZiggy
    Quote Originally Posted by TravisWilliams23
    Quote Originally Posted by MJZiggy
    I will take issue with those who suggest Kennedy's done NOTHING. She has done things (just try writing a book once)

    but to just call and say she'd like the seat and have it handed to her based solely on her last name would be irresponsible.
    John Grogan wrote Marley & Me. Great book. Doesn't qualify him to
    be considered a Senator. He's also written other books and has held a
    real job. But if I could vote between the him and Caroline, Grogan
    would get my vote because he has an idea of what us common folk go
    through on a daily basis. Can't say the same for Kennedy.

    I believe this is exactly what she has done. "Hello, I'm a Kennedy
    and want that NY Senate seat."
    Nice comparison. It'll be interesting to see what happens should the Clinton appointment be approved.
    I'm not sure what that means. Clinton's resume isn't much better, but she has won an election.
    Bill controls millions that middle eastern countries have given him. I don't think the appointment of his wife as SOS (a far ore important job than VP) is in the best interest of this country.
    Lombardi told Starr to "Run it, and let's get the hell out of here!" - 'Ice Bowl' December 31, 1967

  11. #71
    I'm talking about Kennedy's appointment not Clinton's appointment. I only mention it because they won't fill the Senate seat, which is what we are discussing, until Clinton is actually approved by Congress. That's not a certainty. And you might take note that the VP spot is already filled by Joe Biden. That job's not up for discussion any more.
    "Greatness is not an act... but a habit.Greatness is not an act... but a habit." -Greg Jennings

  12. #72
    It sounds like Ziggy is trying to kill the thread--rather than have it get back to a discussion of Sarah Palin, her qualifications, and the treatment of her, compared to Caroline Kennedy and the same about her. That comparison, of course, was my reason for starting this thread in the first place.

    The sick and horrific media double standard is the bottom line of this discussion, just as it is with so many discussions.

    As I have said, I really don't give a shit whether pathetic Caroline gets appointed or not, as coming out of the political cesspool known as New York, the alternatives (Andrew Cuomo?) would be as bad or worse--and probably more effective at being bad for America than the inept Caroline would be.

    The real point is that there is a strong chance America will have had a belly full of Barak Obama by four years from now. Sarah Palin would be a strong prospect to step in as a popular alternative--unless the leftist mainstream media can quash her chances early on.

    Ziggy obviously is the primary irrational Palin-hater in here--as hypocritical as that is for a liberal woman.
    What could be more GOOD and NORMAL and AMERICAN than Packer Football?

  13. #73
    Ok, explain to me how Sarah Palin would be the LEAST bit attractive as a candidate to a woman, liberal or conservative?

    And you started a thread about Kennedy. She is being considered for a Senate seat. Palin is absolutely irrelevant.
    "Greatness is not an act... but a habit.Greatness is not an act... but a habit." -Greg Jennings

  14. #74
    Smart Ass Rat HOFer sheepshead's Avatar
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    Zig, you're starting to sound like Ty
    Lombardi told Starr to "Run it, and let's get the hell out of here!" - 'Ice Bowl' December 31, 1967

  15. #75
    Hey, I answered your question with what I really thought (and look where it got me) now it's your turn to answer mine. Think it through and give me a decent answer, not just an accusation of sounding like someone else.
    "Greatness is not an act... but a habit.Greatness is not an act... but a habit." -Greg Jennings

  16. #76
    Quote Originally Posted by MJZiggy
    Ok, explain to me how Sarah Palin would be the LEAST bit attractive as a candidate to a woman, liberal or conservative?

    And you started a thread about Kennedy. She is being considered for a Senate seat. Palin is absolutely irrelevant.
    The political left and their media cohorts WOULD LIKE Palin to be irrelevant. However, the groundswell among good normal Americans says otherwise. Four years ago, a guy named Barak Obama was equally, if not more, irrelavnt. He, however, had the elitist media promoting him rather than trying to derail him. We now will see if grassroots America can do the same with Palin as the elitist left wing media did with Obama.

    What is attractive about her? As with any politician, it's completely about two fairly equal factors: political positions and electability.

    The left literally drooled over the prospect of having somebody so extreme in his leftist positions as Obama and at the same time, sellable to enough Americans to get elected. Palin objectively could be looked upon as the same thing from our side of the spectrum. More accurately, though, her political positions are merely the traditional pro-American normalcy which elitist leftists try to portray as extreme.

    Why would women support her? Well, part of it is simply that any group tends to support one of their own. Beyond that, however, you, Ziggy, seem to be swallowing the leftist line that ALL or even a large majority of women support the stereotypical crap the left puts out. It may come as a shock to you, but a lot of women don't live and die for the right to have abortions. They also don't all buy the crap that America is wrong about everything or that war is never necessary to achieve positive results or that government programs and regulations are solutions rather than obstacles to progress, or that there is somehow something wrong with us--Americans--being far and away, the happiest and most prosperous people in the world, etc.
    What could be more GOOD and NORMAL and AMERICAN than Packer Football?

  17. #77
    First off Tex, I'm not as pro-abortion as you think. I think it should be illegal after viability. That's well documented. And thanks, but Sarah's gender has little to do with her ability as a politician. Not any politician will do simply because she happens to be female. I don't buy that everyone supports any particular party line. If that were true, then Condi would most certainly be a democrat, right?

    I also do not think that war is never necessary, but that war is a gargantuan step that must be thought through and entered into by people with enough intelligence to make the call and the ability to think through where it leads us in the end. You will never convince me that Bush went into that war thinking it was simply a distraction for al qaeda. Bush himself has recently admitted that they weren't ready for that war. You gonna argue with him too? And you also know that I only believe in government programs as a means to an end and not a permanent condition. I believe that the Detroit automakers should get unemployment, but not forever--only for a reasonable period to find other work. You don't think the displaced autoworkers and the millions in this country who've been laid off should have unemployment compensation benefits for a set period of time? Don't generalize with me Tex.

    Which of Sarah's positions is pro American. I'm still trying to get you guys to list one policy of hers that you agree with, because, quite frankly, I don't think any one of you knows what her policies are. Dean made a nice generalization of her resume, but it didn't include a single issue that she stood for or against. And until she throws her hat into the ring again, she IS COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT. (Except to Freak Out) You're forgetting that should she try to run again, she'd have to win the nomination. I doubt she can do that. I don't think a wink and a smile will get that done against more powerful experienced and accomplished republicans. She was chosen for a reason and it backfired.
    "Greatness is not an act... but a habit.Greatness is not an act... but a habit." -Greg Jennings

  18. #78
    Do you realize how many contradictions were built into those three paragraphs of yours?

    First of all, what you may think about abortion is irrelevant--to use your pet word. It is the fact that your seem to think that Palin would turn off other women because of her beliefs and positions--anti-abortion being one, but far from the most significant of those. The women stereotyping themselves by succumbing to leftist propaganda--whether or not you are one of them--are far from a large majority if they are a majority at all.

    Who said Palin's gender has anything to do with her "ability as a politician"? It might have a small amount to do with the electability side of being a politician, but thanks to the effectiveness of the leftist propaganda machine on at least a large minority of women, her gender will be far less of a benefit than Obama's race, for example, which came through to the tune of 95%+ for him--many with views and values completely contrary to Obama's. Your citing of Condoleeza Rice only serves to confirm the fantastic ability of the leftist media to overcome both gender and race in her case with propaganda and downright malicious demagoguery. If she was nothing more than an ambitious hypocrite, she could have signed on as aDemocrat and basically written her own ticket to the heights of success. Instead, she get pissed on and disrespected for her decent heartfelt pro-American viewpoints.

    What possessed you to bring up the subject of unemployment compensation? That's one "liberal" program I am in favor of--perhaps you'll recall my going around and around with Howard, Bobblehead, and others over the benefit of government injecting money into the economy. It's the raising of taxes to "pay for it"--a completely bogus concept--that I'm against.

    You would actually ask which of Palin's positions are pro-American? If you can't figure that out, then you are even more a victim of your side's propaganda than I thought. Using American sources of oil; not tearing down our economy and lifestyle over the myth of manmade global warming, keeping the American military strong and using it overseas to prevent terrorism against Americans at home, not overtaxing Americans to pay for a myriad of regulation and programs that ultimately drag this country down, unabashedly supporting traditional American values and Judeo-Christian heritage against the onslaught of multiculturalist and moral equivalency crap, I could go on, but I hope you get the picture--even though I doubt you agree--which would just be a sign that you are on the wrong side of most or all of those issues.

    The governor of a state--the geographically largest and most natural resource-rich of all the states is "COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT" in your opinion? And I suppose a spoiled debutante from a leftist political family is not irrelevant? Or a hack state legislator with roots in a corrupt politcal machine that never did anything else except be a community organizer i.e. person who stirs up trouble in the ghetto--is not irrelevant?

    How transparently hypocritical can you be?

    As for Sarah's "wink and smile", I wouldn't care if she looked like Janet Reno if she stood for the right things. Reality, however, dictates that appearance does mean something in terms of electability--which makes it what? Relevant.
    What could be more GOOD and NORMAL and AMERICAN than Packer Football?

  19. #79
    The governor of a state--the geographically largest and most natural resource-rich of all the states is "COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT" in your opinion? And I suppose a spoiled debutante from a leftist political family is not irrelevant? Or a hack state legislator with roots in a corrupt politcal machine that never did anything else except be a community organizer i.e. person who stirs up trouble in the ghetto--is not irrelevant?
    Interesting. Sarah Palin is the governor of a state with 600K people in it. My neighborhood has almost that many. Caroline Kennedy is completely irrelevant unless she is given that seat, yes. Obama, however is not irrelevant. He is your new President. He is very relevant and will remain so for the next eight years and beyond.

    Condoleeza Rice used intelligence, wit and grace to rise into the position she did. I admire her and anyone who can do the same. Janet Reno would have done well in the elected political arena.
    "Greatness is not an act... but a habit.Greatness is not an act... but a habit." -Greg Jennings

  20. #80
    Quote Originally Posted by MJZiggy
    The governor of a state--the geographically largest and most natural resource-rich of all the states is "COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT" in your opinion? And I suppose a spoiled debutante from a leftist political family is not irrelevant? Or a hack state legislator with roots in a corrupt politcal machine that never did anything else except be a community organizer i.e. person who stirs up trouble in the ghetto--is not irrelevant?
    Interesting. Sarah Palin is the governor of a state with 600K people in it. My neighborhood has almost that many. Caroline Kennedy is completely irrelevant unless she is given that seat, yes. Obama, however is not irrelevant. He is your new President. He is very relevant and will remain so for the next eight years and beyond.

    Condoleeza Rice used intelligence, wit and grace to rise into the position she did. I admire her and anyone who can do the same. Janet Reno would have done well in the elected political arena.
    Yeah, Janet Reno would have done well BECAUSE THE ROTTEN LEFTIST MAINSTREAM MEDIA WOULD HAVE GLORIFIED HER INSTEAD OF CONDEMNED HER--do you actually not understand that?

    Condoleeza used intelligence, wit, and grace to deal with the horrible hateful and often racist crap put out against her by the leftist mainstream media. I hate to even think of how she would have been trashed if she had actually run for president.

    The point with Obama was that he was hoisted from rank irrelevancy--far more irrelevant than Palin--by the elitist leftist media. Now, hell yeah, for better or worse, he is damn relevant--and we will all suffer for it.

    And you STILL are so hypocritical as to dismiss the position of governor of Alaska as irrelevant?
    What could be more GOOD and NORMAL and AMERICAN than Packer Football?

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