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Thread: Alternative Medicine

  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by GrnBay007
    Quote Originally Posted by texaspackerbacker
    like blood pressure drugs--the only thing I do take, not all this off-the-wall usually phony preventative stuff.
    You could probably get off the blood pressure meds if you'd let politics go! :P
    I appreciate all the concern for my health, but I only have a mild case of high blood pressure--well controlled by a couple of cheap medications with no side effects or anything like that.

    Yeah, maybe giving up politics might get rid of it, but then I'd be missing out on all the fun--not to mention all the heightened blood pressure I give to the lefties in here. :P

    You guys are missing the big picture with all this alternative crap. The biggest single factor in improving the length and quality of our lives are the highly effective prescription drugs which are the result of research--NOT by government, but by our much-maligned pharmaceutical companies--for the good old profit motive. They used to call them "miracle drugs". Now, there are so many, we have come to take them for granted.
    What could be more GOOD and NORMAL and AMERICAN than Packer Football?

  2. #42
    I dont buy into this 'alternative' stuff either.

    And whoever said they dont want to vaccinate their kids is an idiot by the way.

    As long as you dont eat too much and get decent exercise, you are fine.

    I eat crappy foods all the time, and go through a bottle of bourbon every weekend but I am still pretty damn healthy.

  3. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by arcilite
    I dont buy into this 'alternative' stuff either.

    And whoever said they dont want to vaccinate their kids is an idiot by the way.

    As long as you dont eat too much and get decent exercise, you are fine.

    I eat crappy foods all the time, and go through a bottle of bourbon every weekend but I am still pretty damn healthy.
    It always brings a degree of self-doubt when I find myself in agreement with libs, but go for it. Being happy is the biggest single factor in good health--right up there with better prescription drugs.

    As for vaccines, I'm keeping an open mind about that. I tend to give them the benefit of the doubt, but there are a lot of good people who think like LL2.
    What could be more GOOD and NORMAL and AMERICAN than Packer Football?

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by texaspackerbacker
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone Bigguns
    Quote Originally Posted by texaspackerbacker
    I don't practice any of this silly shit, and I'm 62 years old also (3 months away) and look like I'm 40.

    I practice tennis, golf, swimming, jogging (I had given it up because of boredom, but having an IPOD has brought me a resurgence of jogging), and lots and lots of sex.

    I eat whatever I damn well please--greasy hamburger, tons of ice cream, lots of non-diet pop, no vegetables, nothing whatsoever that's "lite", fat-free, sugar-free, etc., and I'm healthy as a horse.

    There's a lot of bogus propaganda going around about what is and isn't good for you. Much of it results in sacrificing enjoyment of life--which is something far more important than "eating right" or taking or doing weird stuff just because it's the latest fad.

    I'm not denying that there are certain medical conditions that really do benefit from real medication, but it is after-the-fact stuff like blood pressure drugs--the only thing I do take, not all this off-the-wall usually phony preventative stuff.
    You are healthy as a horse, but you have high blood pressure.
    Like a high-strung thoroughbred.
    More like an old nag ready to be made into glue.

    The fact that you declare yourself healthy despite high blood pressure..and a diet that contributes to it only proves how ridiculous you are.

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by LL2
    Quote Originally Posted by LEWCWA
    Quote Originally Posted by MadScientist
    Quote Originally Posted by LL2
    I think there is some truth in alternative medicine. More people die from doctors than from guns. One of the things we do not do is get our kids vaccinated. My kids never get sick. The only symptoms they have had in the past couple years, and my kids are young, are the runny noses and slight fevers from when there teeth were growing in. That is normal. It may seem wrong not to vaccinate your kids, because every doctor pushes it, but there is a small but growing group that do not do it. We know several families that do not do it, and some that wish they had not done it. America is the most drugged up country in the world. I don't have the statistics in front of me, and wish I did. We produce more than 2/3rds of the drugs in the world, and consume the vast majority of that. I could go on and on, but yeah...I think alternative medicine is not a bad thing. Be smart and go to a doctor when necessary, but also be smart about the care and treatment you get.
    Perhaps you should read up about these diseases you are not getting your kids vaccinated for. The main reason your kids aren't getting them is that enough are vaccinated that the diseases do not spread. If there are enough like you, the diseases will be back with a vengeance.

    As for the oil pulling and other such, its fine if you like placebos. Any of these alternative treatments making big claims of curing serious and wide-ranging diseases should just be ignored as quackery.

    Checkout the folks in MN that just lost their baby to Hib I think, because they were so smart and didn't vaccinate. Bet they would like a redo!
    Sure, and I'm sure many parents wish their kids didn't become like the statistics below.

    BARBARA LOE FISHER, NATIONAL VACCINE INFORMATION CENTER: Well I think it's very important for people to have access to this Institute of Medicine report. And they can do that by going to the Web site We are linked directly to the Institute of Medicine Web site.

    This report did not say that we should go home and not worry about the multiple vaccinations we're giving to our children. Quite to the contrary, it is a wonderful report that outlines in detail the possible biological mechanisms that could be at work when vaccines create auto immunity in some children. It is a research blueprint for the federal health agencies and for industry to do the kinds of scientific studies that need to be done to answer the outstanding question of whether or not vaccines -- the multiple vaccines we're giving our children -- have contributed to the doubling of asthma in the last 20 years in our kids, the doubling of learning disabilities and Attention Deficit Disorder, the tripling of Diabetes, and the increase of autism in every state by 600 percent.

    There are arguments for and against vaccines. There are many horror stories of kids dying after given a vaccine shot. All I say is educate yourseld and make your own decisions and not let others make them for you.
    My guess is that Twinkies are more at fault for this stuff than vaccinations! I'm no doctor though.

  6. #46
    Let the herd thin itself.

  7. #47
    ? HOFer
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    Ehh let's not get into that just yet
    Quote Originally Posted by LL2
    I think there is some truth in alternative medicine. More people die from doctors than from guns. One of the things we do not do is get our kids vaccinated. My kids never get sick. The only symptoms they have had in the past couple years, and my kids are young, are the runny noses and slight fevers from when there teeth were growing in. That is normal. It may seem wrong not to vaccinate your kids, because every doctor pushes it, but there is a small but growing group that do not do it. We know several families that do not do it, and some that wish they had not done it. America is the most drugged up country in the world. I don't have the statistics in front of me, and wish I did. We produce more than 2/3rds of the drugs in the world, and consume the vast majority of that. I could go on and on, but yeah...I think alternative medicine is not a bad thing. Be smart and go to a doctor when necessary, but also be smart about the care and treatment you get.
    Don't you have to be vaccinated for several things in order to go to school?

    A lot of research links too much vaccination in a rapid period of time to developing autism. Always make sure your vaccinations are spread out as far apart as possible.

  8. #48
    ? HOFer
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    Ehh let's not get into that just yet
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone Bigguns
    Quote Originally Posted by texaspackerbacker
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone Bigguns
    Quote Originally Posted by texaspackerbacker
    I don't practice any of this silly shit, and I'm 62 years old also (3 months away) and look like I'm 40.

    I practice tennis, golf, swimming, jogging (I had given it up because of boredom, but having an IPOD has brought me a resurgence of jogging), and lots and lots of sex.

    I eat whatever I damn well please--greasy hamburger, tons of ice cream, lots of non-diet pop, no vegetables, nothing whatsoever that's "lite", fat-free, sugar-free, etc., and I'm healthy as a horse.

    There's a lot of bogus propaganda going around about what is and isn't good for you. Much of it results in sacrificing enjoyment of life--which is something far more important than "eating right" or taking or doing weird stuff just because it's the latest fad.

    I'm not denying that there are certain medical conditions that really do benefit from real medication, but it is after-the-fact stuff like blood pressure drugs--the only thing I do take, not all this off-the-wall usually phony preventative stuff.
    You are healthy as a horse, but you have high blood pressure.
    Like a high-strung thoroughbred.
    More like an old nag ready to be made into glue.

    The fact that you declare yourself healthy despite high blood pressure..and a diet that contributes to it only proves how ridiculous you are.
    Dude, you're whack. What are the numbers on 60 somethings with high blood pressure? Pretty high. All in all he's in great shape and sounds like he's enjoying life. I'd say that's pretty healthy to me.

  9. #49
    Senior Rat HOFer LL2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Partial
    Quote Originally Posted by LL2
    I think there is some truth in alternative medicine. More people die from doctors than from guns. One of the things we do not do is get our kids vaccinated. My kids never get sick. The only symptoms they have had in the past couple years, and my kids are young, are the runny noses and slight fevers from when there teeth were growing in. That is normal. It may seem wrong not to vaccinate your kids, because every doctor pushes it, but there is a small but growing group that do not do it. We know several families that do not do it, and some that wish they had not done it. America is the most drugged up country in the world. I don't have the statistics in front of me, and wish I did. We produce more than 2/3rds of the drugs in the world, and consume the vast majority of that. I could go on and on, but yeah...I think alternative medicine is not a bad thing. Be smart and go to a doctor when necessary, but also be smart about the care and treatment you get.
    Don't you have to be vaccinated for several things in order to go to school?

    A lot of research links too much vaccination in a rapid period of time to developing autism. Always make sure your vaccinations are spread out as far apart as possible.
    There are legal exemptions, and believe it or not one of them is a religious exemption. Just say it is against your religion and the school has to accept it. Their are doctor exemptions allowed in some states, but you will never find a doctor to sign one. Our family doctor does not enforce vaccinations. You informs you about them and lets you make the choice, but the first pediatrician we took our first kid too said he will not be our doctor if we do not have our kids get vaccinations. So we said "see ya!"

    You are right about one thing, if you do give your kids vaccine shots the best thing to do is spread them out. No more than two at a time. When my son was born the doc wanted to give him 6 vaccine shots, and that is a lot of chemicals being pumped into a child that only weighed 6 lbs. I said hell no of course.

  10. #50
    Redneck Rat HOFer Little Whiskey's Avatar
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    Most doc's in our area won't accept kids that dont' get vaccines.

    I wonder if some of these illnesses (autism, Diebieties, ashma) are growing in number, because they are being better diagnosed.

  11. #51
    Creepy Rat HOFer SkinBasket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Little Whiskey
    I wonder if some of these illnesses (autism, Diebieties, ashma) are growing in number, because they are being better diagnosed.
    And over diagnosed.

    It's just as likely these increasing numbers are the result of autism becoming a "spectrum" instead of an actual diagnosis.

    I also think it's more likely that any increase in real health problems has more to do with spending decades eating Teflon and the poisons released from the plastic bowls we've been microwaving our food in than from a handful of vaccinations I got as a toddler. I don't know about the rest of you, but Teflon was practically considered a seasoning in our house growing up.
    "You're all very smart, and I'm very dumb." - Partial

  12. #52
    ? HOFer
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    Mar 2006
    Ehh let's not get into that just yet
    Autism probably isn't being wrongly diagnosed. For starters, most of the time it isn't until the child is older and it is very apparent. I'm not saying it hasn't ever happened, but I cannot envision it happening often.

    I don't know about the other two.

  13. #53
    Indenial Rat HOFer bobblehead's Avatar
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    One IU of HgH a day will pretty much eliminate aches and pains and high blood pressure. It will also eliminate orthopedic surgeries needed due to wear and tear (not injury). Basically your entire health profile will get dramatically better. This isn't "alternative" medicine, it is simply hormone supplementation.

    Oops...the US gov't doesn't want us using it for god only knows what reason therefore you can all suffer. If you have enough money you can join cenegenics or find another "anti-aging" doctor who will provide you with it and the required tests.

    If I owned an insurance company I would provide EVERY insured person over the age of 35 with this regimen and I would crush all the other insurance companies as my costs disappeared.
    I don't hold Grudges. It's counterproductive.

  14. #54
    Creepy Rat HOFer SkinBasket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Partial
    Autism probably isn't being wrongly diagnosed. For starters, most of the time it isn't until the child is older and it is very apparent. I'm not saying it hasn't ever happened, but I cannot envision it happening often.

    I don't know about the other two.
    Believe me, you don't know about the first one either.
    "You're all very smart, and I'm very dumb." - Partial

  15. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by Partial
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone Bigguns
    Quote Originally Posted by texaspackerbacker
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone Bigguns
    Quote Originally Posted by texaspackerbacker
    I don't practice any of this silly shit, and I'm 62 years old also (3 months away) and look like I'm 40.

    I practice tennis, golf, swimming, jogging (I had given it up because of boredom, but having an IPOD has brought me a resurgence of jogging), and lots and lots of sex.

    I eat whatever I damn well please--greasy hamburger, tons of ice cream, lots of non-diet pop, no vegetables, nothing whatsoever that's "lite", fat-free, sugar-free, etc., and I'm healthy as a horse.

    There's a lot of bogus propaganda going around about what is and isn't good for you. Much of it results in sacrificing enjoyment of life--which is something far more important than "eating right" or taking or doing weird stuff just because it's the latest fad.

    I'm not denying that there are certain medical conditions that really do benefit from real medication, but it is after-the-fact stuff like blood pressure drugs--the only thing I do take, not all this off-the-wall usually phony preventative stuff.
    You are healthy as a horse, but you have high blood pressure.
    Like a high-strung thoroughbred.
    More like an old nag ready to be made into glue.

    The fact that you declare yourself healthy despite high blood pressure..and a diet that contributes to it only proves how ridiculous you are.
    Dude, you're whack. What are the numbers on 60 somethings with high blood pressure? Pretty high. All in all he's in great shape and sounds like he's enjoying life. I'd say that's pretty healthy to me.
    Whack? LOL

    The issue isn't the number of 60 somethings that have high blood pressure, it is the fact that he declares himself healthy and has a diet that contributes to high blood pressure. That is plain stupidity.

    BTW, your idiotness...about 1/3 of americans have high blood pressure (20 years or older) and it affects blacks way more than whites..percentage wise.

    As for your means nothing. Remind us again of the 7 things you know about...none of which were witnessed by your fatness.

  16. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by Little Whiskey
    Most doc's in our area won't accept kids that dont' get vaccines.

    I wonder if some of these illnesses (autism, Diebieties, ashma) are growing in number, because they are being better diagnosed.
    Perhaps autism....but, diabetes and asthma aren't big determinations.

    In fact, children shouldn't have diabetes that much (not type 1). But, with the # of fat children it is growing astronomically.

  17. #57
    Redneck Rat HOFer Little Whiskey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone Bigguns
    with the # of fat children it is growing astronomically.
    due to vaccines, or.........????? fill in the blank.

  18. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone Bigguns
    Quote Originally Posted by Partial
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone Bigguns
    Quote Originally Posted by texaspackerbacker
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone Bigguns
    Quote Originally Posted by texaspackerbacker
    I don't practice any of this silly shit, and I'm 62 years old also (3 months away) and look like I'm 40.

    I practice tennis, golf, swimming, jogging (I had given it up because of boredom, but having an IPOD has brought me a resurgence of jogging), and lots and lots of sex.

    I eat whatever I damn well please--greasy hamburger, tons of ice cream, lots of non-diet pop, no vegetables, nothing whatsoever that's "lite", fat-free, sugar-free, etc., and I'm healthy as a horse.

    There's a lot of bogus propaganda going around about what is and isn't good for you. Much of it results in sacrificing enjoyment of life--which is something far more important than "eating right" or taking or doing weird stuff just because it's the latest fad.

    I'm not denying that there are certain medical conditions that really do benefit from real medication, but it is after-the-fact stuff like blood pressure drugs--the only thing I do take, not all this off-the-wall usually phony preventative stuff.
    You are healthy as a horse, but you have high blood pressure.
    Like a high-strung thoroughbred.
    More like an old nag ready to be made into glue.

    The fact that you declare yourself healthy despite high blood pressure..and a diet that contributes to it only proves how ridiculous you are.
    Dude, you're whack. What are the numbers on 60 somethings with high blood pressure? Pretty high. All in all he's in great shape and sounds like he's enjoying life. I'd say that's pretty healthy to me.
    Whack? LOL

    The issue isn't the number of 60 somethings that have high blood pressure, it is the fact that he declares himself healthy and has a diet that contributes to high blood pressure. That is plain stupidity.

    BTW, your idiotness...about 1/3 of americans have high blood pressure (20 years or older) and it affects blacks way more than whites..percentage wise.

    As for your means nothing. Remind us again of the 7 things you know about...none of which were witnessed by your fatness.
    The point, Tyrone, as your own statistics show, is that high blood pressure--much like shit--HAPPENS. Diet has little or nothing to do with it; Exercise only very marginally affects it. Stress probably does, although that is more speculative common sense than proven fact.

    The more important point is that this is one of the areas where our illustrious and maligned pharmaceutical companies have made the most progress. It is the main reason 60-70 used to be considered old, and now is not. Future progress in prescription drugs is in great jeopardy, however, due to the policies connected with Hillary/Obama-care.

    Another significant point here is that there are a bunch of myths going around that Tyrone apparently buys into--along with a lot of other Americans--about nutrition, etc. Cholesterol problems, for example, are supposed to be caused by eating fatty foods, dairy products, red meat, etc.--basically all the things that taste the best. I eat all of that; I even over-loaded on greasy food the week before my last cholesterol test; I don't have high cholesterol at all. It is mainly a genetic thing. In that area too, the drug companies have come out with some excellent medications which not only control cholesterol, but do so without harmful side effect. In fact, the positive effects on anti-cholesterol drugs goes well beyond just managing the cholesterol.

    Not to get too conspiratorial or political, especially because I don't know who is behind it or for what reason, but good normal Americans are severely propagandized to avoid a lot of delicious food, and to eat like rabbits or damn Europeans or primitive people or whatever.

    That's fine with me if somebody wants to eat a bunch of tasteless crud--just so they don't try to inflict their idiocy on the rest of us with taxes and intrusive government crap--example: the proposed 18% tax on non-diet pop in New York state.
    What could be more GOOD and NORMAL and AMERICAN than Packer Football?

  19. #59
    ? HOFer
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    Mar 2006
    Ehh let's not get into that just yet
    Ty. 1/3 of people over 20 have high BP as you say. What percentage over 50? High BP is something found in older people far more frequently than younger people. One would think the son of two doctors would know this basic fact.

    Stupid for eating a diet he enjoys? He's over 60. Life is about having fun and living life. From the sounds of it, he's doing just that. I'd rather be super happy, getting laid constantly, eating good foods and have high BP then be miserable and alone like yourself, eating shitty salads, etc.

  20. #60
    Sugadaddy Rat HOFer Zool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Little Whiskey
    Quote Originally Posted by Tyrone Bigguns
    with the # of fat children it is growing astronomically.
    due to vaccines, or.........????? fill in the blank.
    The blank is sloth, eating habits and disinterested parents.

    "Hey junior, here's your Happy Meal and the TV remote."
    Quote Originally Posted by 3irty1 View Post
    This is museum quality stupidity.

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