Quote Originally Posted by gureski
Quote Originally Posted by Harlan Huckleby
When even the franchise QB won't commit to playing there?

Favre seems to have more football in him, but he suggests publicly that the team is hopeless, and he doesn;t want to endure another miserable season

This is a lot for TT to overcome when he makes his pitch to top prospects.
Why wouldn't a free agent commit to Green Bay is a better question? What is it that is so terrible and specific to this organization and city that isn't the same anywhere else.
guerski, I think it is appropriate to re-spin the question. My take: GB is very limiting in many ways for a professional football player. It may work for someone at the lower-half of the ranks for the Packer roster, because they don't really have access to the same perks, but for the multi-million dollar FAs that have needs beyond the contract, GB can't provide the same things that the big-market cities can. Marketing dollars. Cultural venues. Celebrity. Flash. Fame. Glitz.

Honestly, there's nothing at all terrible about the organization (other than its historically cheap) and the city (other than it is somewhat "ethnically-challenged"), but we're all Packer fans so its hard for us to see outside the cheese. If Brett loves GB so much, why doesn't he live in GB year-round? Why did Reggie return to Tennessee after he retired (other than for religious reasons)? The answer is that GB isn't for everyone. I love it. It's a great place to visit. But I wouldn't want to live there again because I've been spoiled by big cities with more options than GB.

Football players, with average age of mid-twenties, aren't very far from my mindset.
