Quote Originally Posted by 3irty1 View Post
Disagree entirely that we are overrated.

We beat the Eagles, a team that lit up the Falcons without any help from Vick at all. This game was somewhat close but by no means did we squeak by.
We obliterated the Bills
We lost to the Bears in a close one. Packers dominated this game statistically and instead fell victim to typical Bear shit. This is a division game where things happen.
We snuck past the lions. This is a classic example of a division game where the Lions had a great offensive strategy. The mistakes of this game have obviously been cleaned up.
Lost in OT to the Skins and had every excuse to do so. Finley was lost in the opening seconds, Matthews about halfway through. The difference in this game could be the no call helmet to helmet on A-Rod. Loss is a loss though.
Lost again in OT to the Phins. All this game really proved is that this is a different team without Clay Matthews.
Snuck past the Vikings. Got Clay back and won on the back of the defense despite having like 2 active DL.
Shut out the Jets. This could have been prettier but this defense has fully recovered from injury and is capable of winning Bears style.
Shit inside the hearts of the Cowboys.
Raped the Vikings with a dick-shaped cactus. Children will one day sing ballads of this victory.

In short, welcome to the second half of the season where the Packers begin to roll over teams. A-Rod has officially caught fire and is spreading the burning to the genitalia of defenses around the league. The closest thing the defense has to a weakness is that as a baby Clay Matthews was dipped into the river Styx but was held by his hamstring which made no contact with the waters thus leaving it susceptible to being pulled from time to time.

Of course the Packers could find a way to lose this one, it wouldn't be the first time but really its a favorable match-up and this Falcons team has had as many favorable bounces as we've had unfavorable.

Where we begin to roll over teams? We are 2-1 against teams with winning records... and if you look at the 2 wins, we hardly rolled over any team.

Have you looked at the second half the season? After an 8-2 atlanta team we play ont he road where Matt Ryan has only lost one time in his career, we have two very winnable games before a very hard final stretch. We got TO New England, Then play the Giants, and end it off with the bears. Counting this week, that is 4 games we could very well lose out of the next 6, knocking us to 9-7. Not saying that is what will happen, I am saying it can happen.

And for the rest of the comments, just because the vikings suck doesn't magically mean I am butthurt. We could have 30 guys on IR, does that change the fact that we still only have one impressive win on the season? Say what you want about what other teams did against the eagles, bottom line is with vick full time we don't win that game.

We did get the win, and it was stilla quality victory because Kolb isn't a bad QB, but it was less impressive considering we almost blew a double digit lead to vick.

You guys do realize I don't actually like the vikings, right? I like Favre, I like AP - I never want them to win. You can play well and still lose. I take off my rose colored GB glasses and look at things. Sure, with 11 guys on IR we look good, but we haven't really been all world. We beat the bad teams we were supposed to beat, lost so far the only division game that has mattered, and won a tough game at the Jets. We are a good team, but we can be a bit overrated. People are calling us super bowl favorites again, and bottom line is we only really beat one serious contendor. If we played the eagles now? We most likely lose.

My feelings can turn on a dime should we beat Atlanta.They are indeed a good team, at least comparable to us, except for the fact they just don't lose at home. I am sick of people using injuries and saying "see how good we are with 11 guys on ir?" Truth is we have absorbed injuries most can't, and if anything, those injuries are even more reason we are overrated. Were not as good of a team as we were heading into the season. That doesn't mean we are bad, but we kept a lot of key players in place. Lost Finely, who we lost fo r stretech last year, but still had Rodgers. OL stayed healthy. Matthews, Woodson... still here. So is collins. Jenkins didn't miss a game. Raji turned into a stud.

We are a good team, were just not as good as people think we are yet. We beat up on the baddies, lose to mediocre teams, and compete welll against good teams. To be the best, we have to beat the best. Atlanta is the best the NFC has to offer. Beat them on the road, along with that jets win, and I'll start buying into us.

Lastly, we still have more healthy playmakers on this team than the bad teams do. For all the injuries sustained, it made you really realize just how many great players we had. Forget the depth, we had A LOT of really damn good players. Clifton is playing probowl level tackle. Raji, Matthews, Williams, Collins, Woodson, Jennings - You can say what you want about the inuries, but 5 of our 11 starters on defense are studs. That is without AL Harris, Barnett, or anyhone of note at SS. When you have 5 studs stills tarting on defense, that defense is going to compete and still be pretty damn good. Take off the "man I can't believe we're this good" glasses and you'll see why we blow out the bad teams. Bad teams are that for a reason. Good teams are good for a reason, We had a lot of good players heading into this season, and we still have a lot of good players despite injuries.